[Fredslist] E-Tactics Letter - Is E-Mail Taking Over? Do you have an e-mail "habit"?

Sarah Stambler sarah at e-tactics.com
Thu Jun 9 13:52:31 EDT 2005

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Sarah Stambler's E-Tactics(r)  Letter
June 9, 2005
Volume 14, Issue 5

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In This Issue
Is E-Mail Taking Over? Do You Have An E-Mail "Habit"?
Study: Big Brands Slow to Adopt Search Engine Optimization 
More Paper Hits the Dust...
AOL ffers IM Users Free E-Mail
FindArticles (http://www.findarticles.com)


The long tough road back to publishing

Have you noticed?  The E-Tactics Letter was not in your 
e-mailbox these last two months.  Q2 is always a killer 
between Spring holidays and high sales volumes. Getting to 
the writing table wasn't an easy option.

But the good news is that we're back.  Our fiscal year ends
on June 30 and we've had a record year.  We don't need to 
read reports about how online advertising is growing, we 
can see it in our own company's growth.  I think writing 
this newsletter and bringing you the best or most useful 
bits of news helps me have an aerial view of this 
industry.  So thanks for being there and reading it.

If we can help you in any way to improve your online 
marketing, please contact us.  We are ready to serve

Sarah Stambler


Is E-Mail Taking Over?  Do you have an e-mail "habit"?

A new study finds that for millions of Americans e-mail is 
an essential part of everyday life — 

In partnership with Opinion Research Corporation 
(http://www.opinionresearch.com/), America Online, 
(http://www.aol.com/), conducted online surveys with over 
4,000 people over 18 in 20 cities across the country. They 
asked Americans about their e-mail habits, with the stress 
on "habit." The survey found that users rely on e-mail as 
much as the phone for communication, spend about an hour a 
day on e-mail and that 77% of them have more than one 
e-mail account. Does that mean they are hooked? 

The survey shows: 
*     41% of Americans check e-mail first thing in the 
*     18% check e-mail right after dinner 
*     14% check e-mail right when they get home from work 
*     14% check e-mail right before they go to bed 
*     40% of e-mail users have checked their e-mail in the 
      middle of the night 

More than one in four (26%) of us say we can't go more than
two to three days without checking our e-mail. And we check
it everywhere. 
*     In bed (23%) 
*     In class (12%) 
*     In a business meeting (8%) 
*     At a Wi-Fi hotspot (6%) 
*     At the beach or pool (6%) 
*     In the bathroom (4%) 
*     While driving (4%) 
*     In church (1%) 

And we check personal e-mail on the job. A lot. The survey 
found that 61% of e-mail users who are employed outside the
home check their personal e-mail at work, three times a day
on the average. 
*     47% check personal e-mail at work 
*     47% check it sporadically throughout the day 
*     25% check it first thing when they arrive at work 
*     18% check it at lunchtime 
*     8% during an afternoon break 
*     2% right before heading home 

Women are more likely than men to check their personal 
e-mail at work throughout the day (50% vs. 44%), while men 
are more likely than women to check their personal e-mail 
first thing when they arrive in the morning (28% vs. 21%). 
Of course, 20% of those who admit to checking their e-mail 
at work do feel guilty about it, and women are twice as 
likely as men to feel guilty about sending personal e-mails
from the office (27% vs. 13%). Almost one out of every ten 
people who check personal e-mail at work (9%) have been 
busted by their boss for it, but, presumably, they are 
still working — and still reading personal e-mail while 
doing it. 

Americans may steal time from work for personal e-mail, but
they also read work e-mail while off the clock — 60% of all
e-mail users check their e-mail while on vacation , 47% 
for pleasure, 13% for business. 

Americans aren't necessarily addicted to e-mail. They just 
need it, a lot, morning, noon and night. 

For information on how to take advantage of America's 
"love" of e-mail, see eMarketer's E-Mail Marketing report, (http://www.emarketer.com/Report.aspx?email_may05).  

(Excerpted from Emarketer May 31, 2005)

|If you haven't been doing anything about search engine   |
|optimization, you are in good company, Fortune 100       |
|companies, it seems aren't doing much of it either. This |
|recent survey tells you more about it

.                 |

Study: Big Brands Slow to Adopt Search Engine Optimization

A new survey of Fortune 100 companies reveals that 
relatively few of them make a serious effort to optimize 
their Web sites to receive high search rankings on Yahoo! 
or Google. 

The study, by the search engine optimization (SEO) 
marketing firm OneUpWeb, is the company's third finds some 
increase in the number of big names using SEO to get better
natural search results: OneUpWeb detected that 13 of the 
Fortune 100 are expending a lot of effort to optimize their
pages, compared to nine last year and only three in 2002. 
Another 45 are making "moderate" efforts to elevate their 
natural search results. But 42 of those top corporate names
are taking no steps to make sure their Web sites appear in 
the top organic results of any search engines, according to
Lisa Wehr, CEO of OneUpWeb. 

"SEO just has not caught on to the degree we expected among
the top companies," she said. "It's not that they're trying
to optimize and failing; it's that many of them are not 
even trying." She predicted that as many as 20 of the 
Fortune 100 might have well-optimized Web sites a year from
now -- "but that's a generous assessment." 

She attributes this failure to a number of factors. For one
thing, these big brands may assume that customers are 
searching for their Web sites using their brand names as 
keywords. Research suggests that's not true, Wehr says; a 
lot of buying research begins with generic terms, not brand

These top brand names may also find it simpler to buy 
either placement in search results pages or pay-per-click 
ads than to take the many programming steps involved in 
site optimization for search. 

"Ironically, this survey may be good news for mid-range 
companies competing with these brands," she said. "If you 
can do search optimization well, you stand a good chance 
against these big names."  

(Excerpted from Direct Newline 5/24/05)


More paper hits the dust

Thomas Register Ends Print Directories, Continues Online 

Thomas Information Network has discontinued the print 
versions of its Thomas Register of American Manufacturers 
and Thomas Register Regional Buying Guides. The information
contained in these is available, free of charge, at www.ThomasNet.com,

The last hard-copy edition of either of these publications 
will be the 2006 edition of the Thomas Register of American
Manufacturers, which along with its sister tome were known 
as the Big Green Books. During the last ten years, Thomas 
has been making a transition to the Internet. 

"As an Internet marketing company, all our energies and 
investments are directed to serving our clients -- where 
and how they can best reach customers, " said Eileen G. 
Markowitz, president of Thomas Industrial Network, in a 

Markowitz continued, "To do this, we provide Internet 
marketing and Web site and content management solutions, 
including online catalogs, e-commerce capabilities, and CAD
drawing distribution."

(Excerpted from Direct Newsline 06/01/05)


AOL Offers IM Users Free E-Mail

As part of its efforts to reach an online audience beyond 
its subscription base, America Online Monday debuted free 
e-mail with nearly limitless storage for AOL Instant 
Messenger users. Dubbed AIM Mail, the service is part of an
updated version of the AIM 5.9 software, which enables 
users to access their e-mail with a single click, and use 
their screen name as the e-mail address. AOL also announced
its plans to begin offering unlimited e-mail storage for 
regular AOL subscribers before the end of the summer. – 
Read the whole story. (http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.san&s=30911&Nid=13850&p=116721)

(Excerpted from Mediapost 6/7/05)


FindArticles (http://www.findarticles.com). 

FindArticles claims it has 5 million magazine articles in 
its database, many of which are not found on any other 
search engine. You can search by keyword, or browse the 
magazines by category (Automotive, Business & Finance, 
Sports, etc.). You can also keep up with new articles in 
your field by browsing "Hot New Articles By Topic". Some 
articles are free, and others link to the magazine's Web 
site, where you'll be asked to pay a fee to view the 

(FITA 5/2505)


Want to learn more about us?  Please visit our site at: www.e-tactics.com

Or write:
Sarah Stambler mailto:sarahses at e-tactics.com

Phone: (212) 222-1713

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The E-TACTICS LETTER, (ISSN 1542-2623) is published 12 times a year by E-Tactics, Inc. an electronic marketing and publishing firm established in 1984 that specializes in the creative use of electronic media in the design and implementation of customer driven marketing, research and publication strategies.

(c) 2005 E-Tactics, Inc. All rights reserved.  E-Tactics is registered in US Patent & Trademark Office.

Permission is granted to reprint or distribute The E-TACTICS LETTER as long as this full copyright notice is included together with the subscription information.

E-Tactics, Inc.
370 Central Park West
Suite 210
New York, NY  10025


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