Donald Bernstein dbernstein at victorbernstein.com
Tue Aug 23 09:56:15 EDT 2005

    We could try to rationalize away last night's loss by saying that we
still had a huge turn around from last year with our lopsided winning
record, that still we put together a tight and tough team, that hey we
made it to the playoffs and the championship game, that we had less runs
scored against us than any other team, that next year we can still do
better and shoot for the number 1 spot not just number 2, that for some
of us older or injured it's great just to be out there swinging the bat
with a terrific bunch of teammates on those gorgeous summer nights in a
beautiful park in the world's best city; all of which is true and good.
    But that doesn't do much to erase last night's disappointing 11 to 8
loss in the final championship game.  
    The trouble started early when the top of our lineup popped out
three times to left field, leaving us only with one run, a solitary
homer by Ross Intelisano.  Quickly the other team put up four runs, and
the next inning added another four, and in no time took a commanding
10-1 lead.  We made errors in the field; they made none.  We popped out;
they found holes.
    By mid-game we woke up and Scott Bloom started us off with a triple,
and slowly hits started coming, from Craig Bruck, a 2 RBI triple from
Ben Tapper, and hits by Ross, John, Marc, Anthony, Fred, and others,
including H.H.D.B. (Baruch Ha shem).  Marc and Spider made furious plays
in the infield, and Roz had a dashing double play, charging a grounder
at second base, tagging the runner, and then launching the ball to
    It was not enough.  While we finally muffled their offense and
slowly stirred up our own, we only counted 8 runs to their 11, and with
that, the season, the playoffs, and the championship game was over.  Our
much needed revenge against the other team, who handed us now three
losses and one broken finger in two seasons, will now have to sit,
freeze, thaw, and wait until next spring.
    I thought I might have a fitful, wakeful Proustian sleep last night.
Not so.  Slept like a baby.  As a consolation though I did forgo fruit
for breakfast and went for the buttery croissant.    Funny, the first
song up on my ipod this morning was randomly "Isn't It a Pity."
    Thanks to friends and family who came out to watch last night; Joe
and Sue Bruck, Lisa Orlando, Hilary Bernstein (part time Gotham
Emergency Replacement Player, or GERP as we call them), Max Bernstein,
Eve Jedda (also a GERP), Rande Rogers, Judy Prichason, Michael Millis
and Burt Feldman.  It meant a lot to us to have your support and cheers.
    And of course, we each thank each other.  Spider send out an email
to the team late last night.  He wrote "I cant tell you how much I
enjoyed playing with each and every one of you."  We can all say the
same.  Scores and runs aside, this was the best and closest Gotham team
ever.  I only wish the lovely Pam Adamic, who we miss and who stuck out
two painful seasons with us before she moved to California was here to
play and win and share the love.
    The night was topped off with rounds of beer and dinner at Mickey
Mantle's, a fitting end.  Then it was home, where I washed the dirt off
my filthy cleats and put them in the back corner of my closet, in their
sleepy spot, until next Spring.  And I have cued up my ipod for spring
2006.  It is Eminem singing "guess who's back!"
    It is great to be young and be a Bomber!
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