[Fredslist] Do you like to talk about yourself, who you are and what you do?

JanPresent at aol.com JanPresent at aol.com
Mon Apr 18 13:44:36 EDT 2005

The attached is from Lauren Abramson, one of the Syracuse University  interns 
spending a semester at the High School for Leadership & Public  Service. What 
she proposes is part of her intern project, but in fact, it should  be 
implemented once it is completed, if not this semester, in the fall. Please  read it 
and respond to Lauren direclt at: _Lnabrams at syr.edu_ 
(mailto:Lnabrams at syr.edu) 
As you know, I am proposing to create a course titled "College  Preparation & 
Work Skills". Here is a reminder about the purpose of this  course.  This 
course is meant to ameliorate two problems at  HSLAPS:

First and foremost, these students are NOT adequately being  prepared for 
college. Many of them do not even apply when their applications  are 
to be free! 75% of the students are eligible for free or  reduced lunch which 
means that their application fees are waved and those  whose fees are not 
waved...Leadership has agreed to pay for as many as 3  applications! Why not 
apply if you're not paying? Also, there are many  skills that students who 
choose not to go to college do not possess. These  skills (excel, interview 
skills, resume writing, working in teams, analyzing  data, communication 
skills, power point, etc.) could make the difference of  a higher paying 

Secondly, seniors have TONS of holes in their  schedules! Many of them have 8 
free periods a week (which amounts to one  full school day!) and a handful of 
them have 16 free periods a week (which  amounts to two full school days!!) 
They are being gypped of an education!  Why? Because the City and State does 
not require seniors to take a full  schedule! Only 3 out of 98 seniors take a 
full schedule (7 periods per day)!  This course will hopefully plug some of 
those holes.

I need your  help!

What I am looking for is any volunteers who would like to come in  on 
Friday's between the hours of 11-2 to speak to seniors during 3 class  periods. There 
will be approximately 30 students in each class. You will speak  for about 
30-40 minutes and you have the freedom to do it however you please!  Speak about 
your job, your time in college, going to college, choosing a  college, answer 
questions, etc. There are about 18 weeks per semester so I am  looking for 
15-17 volunteers (if that is possible). 
Please do not feel  obligated to do this but realize that you will in fact be 
making a huge  difference (especially if you have a cool job!!) It will only 
a few hours  of your day, one day out of the whole year. I have realized 
this  study that the school would like for me to make this as easy as 
What I am looking for are volunteers who do not mind if I include your name  
and contact information (phone, email, address, anything!) in my project.  
way I can prove that there are in fact 15 people willing to make this  

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further  questions regarding 
curriculum that I am creating or anything about my  study.

Thank you,
Lauren  Abramson
Lnabrams at syr.edu

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