[Fredslist] Fw: feedback 4/14

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Fri Apr 15 18:28:07 EDT 2005

We have a new Gothamese word: the "Diresta". It is Gotham practice to have a member write a review of one of our seminars and I intended to do so, but now I needn't as the people have spoken. Please read the attached "Diresta" (compilation of private feedback-reviews). And if you missed Diane's "Knock Out Presentation" Gothamite Allan Gus captured it on tape. Great job Diane!
-----Original Message-----
From: "Diane DiResta" <diane at diresta.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:14:38 
To:"Fred Klein" <fklein at kzrd.com>
Subject: feedback 4/14

Thanks Diane - your an inspiration to us all.

Best regards,

Gary Anzalone


You were the consumate pro and have the tape to prove it. 

Fred Klein


I wanted to *Thank you* for the terrific seminar this afternoon. It was
filled with great advice and "actionable" information.

Victor Urbach


You did an excellent job and the feedback has been great.  Thank you!

Nancy B. Schess,  


Thank you for today's seminar-it was informative and we can certainly apply
your public speaking techniques.


Ariana Goldman





DiResta Communications, Inc.


Communicating with Impact


PO BOX 140714

Staten Island, NY 10314

718 273-8627



Knockout Presentations-Amazon's best selling public speaking book


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