Date start10.02.2003 06:00 AM
Date end10.02.2003 07:30 AM
Important Information

Important Notice Regarding Your Payment- If you are paying to attend a Gotham meeting as a guest, please contact the group coordinator.

Payment does not guarantee attendance. You must receive clearance from the group coordinator before attending any group meeting.

Please note that fees paid to Gotham (including, membership, lunch, events, etc.) are not refundable.

Featured Event

Managing Stress: The Power of the Mind-Body Connection This workshop offers a relaxed and accessible way to learn about and manage stress. Participants learn the psychology and physiology of the stress response. Through experiential exercises, participants are taught how to induce the relaxation response, a simple, safe and effective method used to quiet the mind and body. Practicing this form of relaxation on a regular basis can lead to an improved sense of well-being, boost the immune system and help to relieve anxiety and depression.

For More Information:
Fred Klein
Group Chairperson
Records are not available.


Group Coordinator
Records are not available.