Gotham Events
Lot's of great networking events!
Friars Club, New York, United States
Date start12.04.2014 05:30 PM
Date end12.04.2014 07:00 PM
Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
Susan Zinder
Looking forward to a great Gotham MAD meeting on February 29!
Important Information

Important Notice Regarding Your Payment- If you are paying to attend a Gotham meeting as a guest, please contact the group coordinator.

Payment does not guarantee attendance. You must receive clearance from the group coordinator before attending any group meeting.

Please note that fees paid to Gotham (including, membership, lunch, events, etc.) are not refundable.

Featured Event

Gotham Green Awards®

Gotham City Networking, Inc.

December 4, 2014

...Gotham gives back to the planet


As Gothamites we work and live by the motto: “It’s better to give than receive, but what goes around comes around.”™ This motto enables us to make a difference for our clients and customers, our families and friends, the organizations we support, our communities and the world around us. On December 4, 2014 (at 12:30 p.m. at NYC’s famed Friars’ Club) Gotham and its GOtham Green® group will make a difference in our communities and the world by celebrating people and organizations, Gotham members and non-Gotham members, who are working in ways big and small; for-profit and not-for-profit, to make the world a little greener. We do this by recognizing people, businesses and organizations that work on environmentally sustainable initiatives and projects. How do we do this? By awarding the Gotham Green Awards®!


Who/what is eligible to be recognized with the Gotham Green Awards®?

We have three categories of recognition for organizations, whether or not they are Gotham Members:


  1. Green Business or Green Initiative – For businesses whose core message and products are green based and/or sustainable.
  2. Green product, program or building - For businesses that have produced, planned or created a singular item that is green and sustainable.
  3. Green/Sustainable non-profit organization  - For non-profit organizations that focus on or have created a program or product that they believe contributes to the global sustainability effort.



What are the Gotham Green Awards?

They haven’t all been finalized yet, but… they include a free Gotham membership for one year (which has a value of up to $950), recognition and the awardees’ ability to use the award logo on their materials.


How can I participate? You can:

  • Sponsor the awards ceremony or a particular award (sponsorships start at $500). Click the link below:

Sponsorship Information

  • Nominate a person or organization for an award

Click on the appropriate link, download the application, fill it out and 
submit it by November 24, 2014!

2014 Gotham Green Awards Rules
GOtham Green Biz or Initiative Award Application
GOtham Green Building or Product Award Application
Non-Profit Green Award Application

  • Apply for an award for yourself or your organization
  • AND let’s not forget - - NETWORK!!! Let people in your network know about the awards and the opportunity to participate! Attend the December 4, 2014 luncheon!


How do I apply or nominate someone else for an award or sponsor an award?

Click on the appropriate link above and fill out the application.







The awards will be given out in New York – are only New Yorkers eligible?

NO!!!! People are eligible to participate from any of the communities where Gotham groups are located: from Florida up to and including Massachusetts, from New Jersey to Connecticut, and New York too!

Group Chairperson
Corey Bearak

Corey Bearak
Government & Public Affairs Counsel Government & Public Affairs Counsel Corey Bearak
(718) 343-6779

Joshua Zinder

Joshua Zinder
Principal Joshua Zinder Architecture + Design

Fred Klein

Fred Klein
Counsel Tarter Krinsky & Drogin, LLP


Group Coordinator
Shelley Simpson