Gotham City Gazette
Gotham City Gazette® - January 2019
January 2019
Author : John A. Buscarello

Gotham Magic


Carly Meyer Bentley, VP

Financial Advisor|Connector|Facilitator

What is it about Gotham, about the extended Gotham family, this magic you speak of?

And it dawned on me…. the aha moment…at last.

I recall my old paradigm. The ego based one.

In the early days of resurrecting and re-establishing Gotham Philadelphia, I would extend a personal lunch invitation to a prospective member. This person would promise to attend a meeting and…. then wouldn’t show up. The pains of extending oneself and being disappointed. Ouch.

Grrrrr…This caused my red hair to BLAZE. A typical response from my old paradigm would be to “Never invite them again.”

I called Fred…. I called Josh….

A game changing conversation with Fred Klein, followed by the same type of conversation with Josh Zinder. (magical) They both encouraged me to keep the door open and continue to invite them, even though they did not show.

They were teaching me the magic. Stay open.

I realized it was the “art of giving” that I was learning. The selfless, ever diligent art of inclusion.

Gotham is a noun and a verb.

Gotham has changed my thought process in connecting with people and how I go about business and friendship today.

It took me 2 years of interacting with my extended Gotham family and seeking council from Fred Klein and my dear friend, Joshua Zinder to internalize Gotham.

Now, I recognize this “old paradigm” in others and encourage “a shift” in them.

In fact, my son Patrick is now “connecting” and performing these same types of miracles. I can see Gotham in his future.


Members speak out about Gotham City Networking, Inc.®

The Season of Giving



Happy Holidays!


Matt Plociak

Voice of Reason Consulting

We have all received and many of us have participated in the Gotham Season of Giving...

I think that I've given every year, but didn't think too much about it, until this year!

I decided to go to the Holiday Party, sort of at the last minute, not sure why. Maybe because I wouldn't see all those famous portraits at the Friars Club.

So, while at the Holiday Party, the drawing for the winning member's charities was being announced.  I paid little attention, being occupied by eating whatever was on my plate, until I heard my name called.

What? Me? I won something? Oh, the charity of my choice. Gee, nice!

Then I got the check for Planned Parenthood of NYC ($4,000) and I brought it to the development office. Well, they were so happy, and I think a bit shocked. What's the Gotham Network and how did you select Planned Parenthood? I explained that Gotham is a networking group that donates to charities every year and that I was one of the lucky winners and I've always thought supporting Planned Parenthood to be a worthwhile endeavor.

A few things that I learned; YOUR contribution makes a difference; your favorite charity COULD benefit, and oh, pay attention at next year’s Holiday Party.

Again, thanks to all of Gotham and to those who gave to this year's Season of Giving.


The Room Was Full


Fred Klein

The room was full, and the throng crowded in (see Carly Meyer’s selfie below) as Nancy and I announced this year’s Gotham Awards. 

The well-deserved Networkers of the Year are Laurel Scarr-Konel (GC of the LI Dinner Group) and Brett Deutsch (GC of the Bandit Group which meets today).

Recipients of $4000 Gotham Foundation Season of Giving grants were West Chester University foundation food pantry (Carly Meyer), Back on my Feet (Brett Deutsch), (grant split between) Knights of Pythias and Columbia Presbyterian children’s hospital pediatric neurology (Raj Goel), and Planned Parenthood (Matt Plociak).

Last, but far from least, Allison Crowther presented her husband Jefferson Crowther with our highest honor, the Red Bandanna Award which is bestowed in the memory of their son Welles who was a hero on 9/11.  The award recognizes ultimate self-sacrifice and no one epitomizes that characteristic more than his dad.  Our Jefferson.

It was our finest moment,

capping off a great night.  Thank you all for helping to make it happen.  Especially Allison Crowther!


Totally Surprised


Jefferson Crowther

Once again Fred managed to totally surprise me with the complicity of another equally sneaky person, my lovely wife, Alison.  The two of these wonderful people totally floored me last night with the presentation of the Red Bandanna Award.

Thank you, thank you to all of my beautiful friends in Gotham.  I will forever remember last night and being surrounded by so many smart and generous individuals.  It truly is better to give than receive, but what goes around, comes around!

With my warmest wishes to all for a joyous Holiday season.


I Almost Never Donate Money at Meetings.


Ruth Domber

I almost never donate money at meetings. I give charity privately.  However, as a show of my deep thanks to the patronage I’d received for 10/10 Optics from the disbanding LGBT group, I put my $20 and business card in the pass around envelope for the Gotham SEASON OF GIVING. And, then I forgot about it.

A few months later I was having a very difficult week.  My mom was in the hospital having a serious procedure, my daughter was involved in an awful divorce that was making her sick, not to mention about 5 other overwhelming events coming together in a crescendo of different disasters. It was also the anniversary of the death of my beloved father-in-law whom I miss very much. I was at an all-time low.

While driving my car and listening to 1010 WINS (a little ironic) I was having a conversation with G-d.  I was asking for strength to get through this very trying time.  I asked how I could possibly give more of myself.  I was tapped out.

Then Fred called my cell.  I asked him to hold on while I pulled over… talking and tears don’t mix well while driving.  He told me that I was one of the winners of the SEASON OF GIVING raffle. $5,000 would be going to DOROT, the charity of my choice.  DOROT provides meals and company to homebound elderly Jewish people.

When I married 35 years ago, we chose to always donate to DOROT, because my beloved Father-in-law was a Holocaust survivor.  There but for the grace of G-d, he was not alone.  He had us.  He had a son and soon there were grandchildren and I was grateful to have him in our lives.

I cried and cried when I was told by Fred that DOROT would be the recipient of my winning the raffle donation made in thanks, at the last LGBT meeting.  My prayers were heard and via GOTHAM, an answer was received. Gotham’s motto to pay it forward held true. I will always be in awe of the synergy of that day.




What makes Gotham different and worth being a part of?


Vincent J. Russo



What makes Gotham different and worth being a part of?  This is a question we all ask as we renew our membership each year. There are many really good answers to these questions and for each of us some are more important than others.


I love the mantra - What comes around goes around - it is better to give than to receive.


And Words do Matter!  The season of giving is upon us and for Gotham as we near our Holiday party - a wonderful gift occurs each year. We, Gotham members, have the opportunity to give and how rewarding is this give.  For me personally, "my heart swells with joy" to give.


The Gotham Foundation will honor several not for profit organizations by giving a $5,000 grant to each of them.  $5,000 can go along way in helping a charity as I  know first-hand when our Theresa Foundation was given a grant in the early days of the Foundation.  We were able to sponsor 7 children with special needs in our summer camp program that year. I recall vividly the smiles on their faces and I am most grateful to all of you.


It is not to late - to bring joy in the hearts of others while having the joy of giving "swell your heart."

The foundation would love to give at least four $5,000 grants but it needs your help.


Happy Holidays!


Gotham's new group: Gotham Fresh


Matthew Masseo

Gotham Fresh is a new group here with Gotham City Networking. Although we would like to think of the group as more of an idea.
The idea being that in a world where is the world is changing almost on a daily basis, we all must be constantly growing and expanding our business and networks, because in fact, if you are not growing, you're dying. 
The goal of the new Fresh Group is to link generations and have them share their knowledge and connections to help each end of the spectrum continue thriving. 
With the younger generation being introduced to the more seasoned professionals, doors and social circles will open that would take traditionally decades to get through. And the more seasoned professionals being able to tap into the young/fast  growing generation to make sure that their businesses connect and more importantly thrive with the next generations.
If you have an interest in being a part of the next generation of Gotham's growth, along with you and your own business, we would love to have you join a meeting.