Tags - traffic
Corey Bearak
Live vinyl
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Most folk know this commentator’s affinity for live music.  I enjoy attending concerts – immensely.  I was viewing a YouTube video and I saw a few links to top 10 live albums.  Both I checked out involved vinyl.  I had a few on each list.  While I like such lists, I never thought to list a top ten of my live LPs. It got me curious to how many Live

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Building on the vibe in last week's commentary in this space, many I know root for a subway series.  The Bronx "tenants" did their part.  We'll know soon enough the outcome involving the Queens "tenants" I root for and who I brought my very appreciative daughter to a game also attended by my brother Jeff and Friday's blogger and sons and grandson l

Corey Bearak
New State of Our Union
Posted By : Corey Bearak

New State of Our Union (a musical playlist)   Inspired by the change in our nation's leadership, I had tweeted on Inauguration Day (1/20/21), links to "What A Day" by Poco (It starts, "It's a good mornin' and I'm feelin' fine. Smile. I never thought I could be this way. I wanna play. Oh what a day!”) and Al Kooper's Brand New Day (“Last night I ha

Corey Bearak
Got to get better
Posted By : Corey Bearak

During this time where we read of folks infected and worse by the Coronavirus COVID-19 and wish and seek healing, I offer a collection of tunes to promote a healthy feeling.  I titled it, "Doin' Fine," after my fave Savoy Brown tune, also included in this set.   I enjoyed creating a few playlists this year shared in some prior blogs; indeed I enjoy

Corey Bearak
Medicated Goo
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Sometimes a song just sticks in your head. Leaving the gym Thursday was one of those moments. A Traffic song. But just not a song but a live version from a particular LP (“Welcome To The Canteen” featured the original Traffic quartet Steve Winwood, Dave Mason, Jim Capaldi and Chris Wood accompanied by Ric Grech on bass, Rebop Kwaku Baah on percussi

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Traffic recorded a song, Sometimes I Feel So Uninspired, that applies to so much when one looks around these days for leadership in the usual places.   Yet the courageous response of young people after the tragic and violent shooting murders in Parkland provides Inspiration to this correspondent.   A bit more than a year ago, I shared the playlist