Tags - tra
Corey Bearak
Medicated Goo
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Sometimes a song just sticks in your head. Leaving the gym Thursday was one of those moments. A Traffic song. But just not a song but a live version from a particular LP (“Welcome To The Canteen” featured the original Traffic quartet Steve Winwood, Dave Mason, Jim Capaldi and Chris Wood accompanied by Ric Grech on bass, Rebop Kwaku Baah on percussi

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Traffic recorded a song, Sometimes I Feel So Uninspired, that applies to so much when one looks around these days for leadership in the usual places.   Yet the courageous response of young people after the tragic and violent shooting murders in Parkland provides Inspiration to this correspondent.   A bit more than a year ago, I shared the playlist

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last week’s blog “released” a list of holiday-themes tunes for the season we currently enjoy. Not sure everyone seeks to hear those themes but certainly they predominate on radio dials. My ears and sometimes my eyes focused elsewhere when I chose music. I stumbled on a concert film, “Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris - Real Live Roadrunning - F

Cayce Crown
Human Capacity
Posted By : Cayce Crown

I wish for us all to be more conscious of people in trouble, and to reach out whenever we can. Now I will leave it to those more wise than I to speak:   “There is a saying in Tibetan, 'Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.'No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.” -

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Gatherings serve many purposes. Discussed one last week. There were two this weekend. One tested me a bit since the bat in the rear of my car failed to see the light of day in slightly more than a year. The other represented a test of connection and how things endure despite distance in time and place. Technology prevailed in both cases; it fac

Cayce Crown
Posted By : Cayce Crown

I'm very fortunate that business has brought me to the World Trade Center transportation and shopping hub a few times in recent weeks. It is magnificent. It is called the Oculus, designed by Santiago Calatrava, and completed at twice the original (public money) funding at 4 Billion Dollars. You can get both the PATH and the subway in this fantastic

Corey Bearak
Strange Days, Indeed
Posted By : Corey Bearak

The Doors second LP, Strange Days, featured a song, People Are Strange.   Strange days indeed as one consider the world around us (More on that later.).   I strategize. I plan.   Not all the time but certainly when things matter.   Sometimes, for some matters, I might need to think fast, almost to the point of brinkmanship.   Even where one m

Cayce Crown
Darkest Evening
Posted By : Cayce Crown

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

I returned the favor. For my birthday Shelly took me to see Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes at B.B. King's Saturday eve. In my college years I would see a concert on on near the date of my birthday.  Approaching my 18th birthday, I saw Dave Mason at Hofstra U.  About a week shy the following year I saw Eric Clapton at the Nassau Coliseum.  

Corey Bearak
And Now You're Gone
Posted By : Corey Bearak

I knew the time would be soon.   Much of the summer I gave thought to it.   Retirement.   After basketball this morning, I stopped home before continuing on some usual errands, including checking the P.O. Box, gassing up my car, and sometimes a bank deposit.   I needed to pick up a civic association check to pay my neighborhood printer, Gotham's ow

Corey Bearak
Mystic Highway
Posted By : Corey Bearak

By the time this commentary appears on the Gotham (City Networking, Inc. ®) website, Shelly and I arrived back from Mystic, CT to our home aptly named “Grand Junction” by Marisa who gave our home that “nom de 'net” on FourSquare. Marisa chose Grand Junction, a place in Colorado, from a Poco instrumental of the same name written by pedal steel guit

Cayce Crown
Weird (but wonderful) Networking Tips
Posted By : Cayce Crown

With the Gotham "How To Get Business" seminar just around the corner, I thought these interesting and unique tips were worth a read. From Emily Taylor, Digital Marketing Manager at Tradable Bits: 1. Stalk yourself on social media When was the last time you actually scoured at your own social media profiles? During events, hundreds of people you’re

Corey Bearak
Do You Want to Know A Secret?
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A need for secrecy absolutely barred this subject for blogging last week. A day before my daughter would travel home, Marisa shared an email with her mom and dad, brother and a cousin.  She admonished us not to post on Facebook about her impending plans or presence upon arrival. Marisa kept secret her plans to attend a bridal shower on the date o