Tags - tra
Corey Bearak
Season ahead?
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Normally, this blog heralds optimism about the start of the baseball season; while some ballplayers populated Spring Training complexes, none currently find their names listed on any Major League Baseball team’s 40 manning roster. It reflects an inability of rather wealthy team owners, from the perspective of this labor-affiliated advocate, to barg

Corey Bearak
A new image
Posted By : Corey Bearak

When I started to use Zoom, the inability to use virtual backgrounds for my meeting gnawed at me. When I upgrade “Early 2015” MacBook Pro late last year, I looked forward to using virtual backgrounds and uploaded images that reflected the organization involved in the Zoom. I have images for SNAP (Services Now for Adult Persons) where I chair th

Corey Bearak
Gotham Green Awards® herald worthy initiatives, products and people
Posted By : Corey Bearak

In my pre-Thanksgiving blog, I heralded the then-impending announcement of the Gotham Green Awards® for this year. On November 23, 2021, GOtham GREEN®, which since 2007 provided a platform for businesses and professionals who seek to connect and promote sustainable business opportunities, practices and relationships, announced a lucky seven group o

Corey Bearak
Tattoo who
Posted By : Corey Bearak

At Gotham Happy Hour I shared something about today’s Gotham blog. Friday’s blogger remarked nice to not discuss my outside office (he used a different term!).  Well I did go there but only to retrieve the coffee pot so Shelly’s brew could remain in the thermal pot parked inside the kitchen-based coffeemaker. And I still found some time for yardwor

Corey Bearak
New State of Our Union
Posted By : Corey Bearak

New State of Our Union (a musical playlist)   Inspired by the change in our nation's leadership, I had tweeted on Inauguration Day (1/20/21), links to "What A Day" by Poco (It starts, "It's a good mornin' and I'm feelin' fine. Smile. I never thought I could be this way. I wanna play. Oh what a day!”) and Al Kooper's Brand New Day (“Last night I ha

Corey Bearak
Strange Days....Indeed
Posted By : Corey Bearak

The phrase titling this blog comes from lyrics in a John Lennon tune. If I just chose the first two words, it recalls the title of The Doors’ second LP, Strange Days, featuring their second hit, “People Are Strange.”   We keep reading how less busy those not working in “critical” aka “essential” functions find themselves. Perhaps. Not here. Since t

Corey Bearak
Got to get better
Posted By : Corey Bearak

During this time where we read of folks infected and worse by the Coronavirus COVID-19 and wish and seek healing, I offer a collection of tunes to promote a healthy feeling.  I titled it, "Doin' Fine," after my fave Savoy Brown tune, also included in this set.   I enjoyed creating a few playlists this year shared in some prior blogs; indeed I enjoy

Corey Bearak
Train Tunes
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Friday's blogger's muse recently posted a playlist concerning trains.  It engendered several emails suggested other songs, including from this commentator.  It also inspired me to create a list of "train tunes" that I enjoy listerning to (So you might find omissions and can argue for them in comments.).  Unlike some of my playlists, for now it'll r

Corey Bearak
Light Up This Holiday Season
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Light up this holiday season with song.  Continuing a Gotham tradition inspired by Friday's blogger (and which preceded this blog; used to just be a post to Fredslist), please find and enjoy the latest version of Happy Holidays in Song.  In three weeks some of us start with lighting candles.  Three eves later, the holiday that inspires the bulk of

Corey Bearak
Rock and more rock
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last week I needed to prefile my blog. Simple reason. A flight from Edinburgh, Scotland to JFK. One might call it a classical trip. It involved an awful lot of rock.   My daughter and I landed a week ago Monday and promptly visited two castles, Hampton Court and Windsor.   Tuesday involved the musical variety: a classic rock/ Beatles tour (See pic

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Yesterday my father in law told me I'm his fave son-in-law.   Really an unfair question.  I am the only son-in-law!  It happened at his 90th birthday.  The immediate family with one exception gathered together to celebrate.  Four generations.  Two Daughters.  One of two grandsons. Three granddaughters, one with husband (thus explaining). A great-gr

Corey Bearak
Return to Grand Junction
Posted By : Corey Bearak

It’s a new beginning today.   Yes my Jets start their season this afternoon with many of us holding rather high expectations, especially for the offense. I certainly plan to tune in this afternoon. But today’s blog covers another re-boot of sorts.   This beginning involves a homecoming of sorts.  A return to New York. Several years ago our daughter

Corey Bearak
Summer Nights In The Park
Posted By : Corey Bearak

As Summer approaches I traditionally look forward to posting a list of free concerts by originals artists. I viewed the Long Island listings and found a bevy of cover bands, many in rock genres I enjoy. At this time, I remain unready to lock in dates the way I might if I bought tickets for a show. I see no reason to list shows and possibly lock in

Corey Bearak
Joyful Rides
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Interesting how time intersects.  So in last week’s blog, I released an updated Happy Holidays in song playist, which included a few extra Chanukah songs.  Some people provided links to some songs you’ll find next year (though I did informally add them pending placement within the flow of the existing list.).  In the week that followed last year’s

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Since I took on this Sunday blog for Gotham Networking, this represents the first time I get to draft something on Veteran’s Day. It always falls on November 11. As we know from the news, today marks a century – 100 years – passed since the Armistice that officially brought an end to the First World War. Four years ago I participated in a ceremony