Tags - tra
Corey Bearak
Live vinyl
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Most folk know this commentator’s affinity for live music.  I enjoy attending concerts – immensely.  I was viewing a YouTube video and I saw a few links to top 10 live albums.  Both I checked out involved vinyl.  I had a few on each list.  While I like such lists, I never thought to list a top ten of my live LPs. It got me curious to how many Live

Corey Bearak
GOtham GREEN® continues a tradition recognizing worthy initiatives and businesses
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Early in my career I enjoyed opportunities to work to enact major environmental initiatives including “The NYC Recycling Law,” the “Spill Bill,” mandating cleanup of accidental releases of hazardous substances or assessing three times the cost of any cleanup performed by the City of New York (The Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Law - 1987 Lo

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Building on the vibe in last week's commentary in this space, many I know root for a subway series.  The Bronx "tenants" did their part.  We'll know soon enough the outcome involving the Queens "tenants" I root for and who I brought my very appreciative daughter to a game also attended by my brother Jeff and Friday's blogger and sons and grandson l

Corey Bearak
One Beautiful Summer
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last week’s blog teased about this week’s commentary. Cool for Cats is one of the signature songs by Squeeze; and the eve of the appearance last week’s blog found us with friends Jarmine and Eric at Mohegan Sun to see that wonderful band. It was basically a co-headliner situation with Boy George (Anyone remember Culture Club?) but we were there for

Corey Bearak
Holiday Hotel
Posted By : Corey Bearak

First off, I thank my friend, architect and Gotham GREEN® co-chair, Josh Zinder for pinch-hitting in this space for me last week.  Shelly and I attended a Pythian Supreme Lodge Convention in Roanoke, Virginia, Monday through Thursday where good friend and Gotham Queens member Craig Shink got elected and installed as Supreme Master of Arms (If all p

Corey Bearak
In loving memory of a beloved mom and grandma, sister and friend to so many
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Today's blog is based on my "remarks" as a memorial service for yesterday at United Methodist Church in Hempstead for Jean Bearak, my stepmom, who passed away in April: For the first time in some 55 years, my brother Richy and I were not able to do something this year; we were not able to celebrate the mom Richy and I shared with our brother Robby

Shelley Simpson
Posted By : Shelley Simpson

I start most days early and almost all of my work – in fact a good bit of my life - is online via phone, zoom, and various chats and apps. To connect with the West Coast, I am often online at night too, making for long and productive days. My time spent looking at the screen - both on the phone and computer - has gotten longer. Picking up and looki

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A few weeks back I updated one of my playlists with a Traffic song -- Many A Mile to Freedom -- that played on "my" AppleMusic radio station while Shelly and I took a drive to the "mall."  When I opened the "Playlists" folder on my MacBook I found an unfinished one (from the summer of 2022); a list of songs but no links to YouTube; I also found i n

Corey Bearak
Lists in Play
Posted By : Corey Bearak

I pretty much settled on this topic driving out to the IBEW Local 3 Educational Conference Center in Cutchogue for a NYC Central Labor Council Political Directors Annual Political/ Legislative  Conference last week.  Setting out early Wednesday only, knowing it might take 90 minutes or so, I selected my Songs for the Road playlist. In my Apple Musi

Shelley Simpson
What Are You Worried About?
Posted By : Shelley Simpson

  We all worry from time to time; it’s part of being human. Worrying can prevent us from making poor decisions or stepping into dangerous situations. However, there is a difference between worrying from time to time, and having obsessive thought patterns and limiting beliefs that hold us back in life and business. It's no fun being a worry wart! Be

Corey Bearak
Ancient & Present Pleasures & much more
Posted By : Corey Bearak

First off thank you to substitute bloggers Mike Steger and Reliable Ray Walcott who "covered" for me while my family and I enjoyed our time traveling in Israel and for one day in Jordan.  A special THANK YOU to Gotham's travel agent, Laura Avital, who arranged and organized -- perhaps "curated" betters represents things -- special experiences throu

Corey Bearak
Coding for the holidays
Posted By : Corey Bearak

As the week began I received an email from my friend and Gotham colleague Amparo Connors who runs an employee placement firm (temps and permanent); Amparo reached out to those she usually sends holiday/season’s greetings/ new year wishes concerning the intended token. Our discussion led me to suggest that topic for the joint meeting of Gotham Queen

Corey Bearak
3rd wheel
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Marisa always liked take your daughter to work day.  She enjoyed coming to work with dad and participating in the activities there. Fast forward to the present and it almost feels like we reversed roles. I shared with Marisa the early invite I received to the attend the 2022 State of the Borough Address by the Queens Borough President Donovan Richa

Corey Bearak
2 graduations and some history
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Referring back to last’s week’s commentary in this space, we ventured to Boston, MA to attend the graduation ceremony of the “scribe” this past Friday at Northeastern University. The new PhD and her PhD spouse joined us for a celebratory dinner that eve; we also celebrated in advance the graduation this afternoon of the new PhD at Hofstra. Aft

Corey Bearak
2 docs & a scribe
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Friday became a rather special day. It started with the Daily News publishing an op-ed penned by our daughter, Marisa, on its website and then we receive word our daughter-in-law, Carrie, passed her dissertation defense that morning, thus earning her PhD in Psychology at my alma mater Hofstra University.   Marisa’s commentary, Don’t just condemn