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Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Since this blog appears on Mothers Day, let me take a moment to thank the moms, especially mine – and the lovely gal who I helped make one and wish all an enjoyable day!   Five weeks ago today, I blogged about The Spirit of Theresa so please (re-)read for more about the great work of the Foundation and its founders, Susan and Vincent Russo (I also

Cayce Crown
Without You
Posted By : Cayce Crown

For the first time in my 29 years with my super talented bride, Sheilagh Weymouth, we are separated by more than a few days. Or even a couple of weeks. She has gone to California to star in the Tony awarded play, Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike at the Sierra Rep, playing Sonia. I am thrilled for her, but it is a strange, freeing, sad, joy

Corey Bearak
Seder by visit
Posted By : Corey Bearak

We did not host this year.  We always hosted; tradition of sorts, and not just for Passover. Noneless, we joined my good friend Joshua for the seder he hosted with his wife Linda; I found myself rather relaxed with no carving and other related duties; we enjoyed the company and the food. The next night we joined my mom in a restaurant for a 2nd nig

Corey Bearak
The Spirit of Theresa
Posted By : Corey Bearak

The March 2016 Gotham City Gazette® recounts the story of how I came to our Gotham following an encounter in 2009 at an CLE led by the venerable Michael Garibaldi and organized by marketer extraordinaire (and more) Lisa Waterman. Fast forward to their CLE six years and three months later and another encounter of a different kind.   Vincent Russo

Cayce Crown
Lifestyle Change
Posted By : Cayce Crown

Just back from a check up at the Doctor's office. A year (or so) ago, he took my blood and reported to me that my cholesterol was dangerously high. I was astounded, but so it goes. He wanted me to go on Lipitor or some other such thing. I am generally not a fan of prescription drugs. I think they are over prescribed, though I do respect the miracle

Joshua Zinder
A Passionate Sunday Morning
Posted By : Joshua Zinder

Here I am trying to think of what I should cover on this wonderful Sunday….blog. Filling in for Donald I could talk about: how Gotham is great; I could write about how Fred saved me this past week when I misplaced my tickets to the Friars roast; I could write about the roast and what a wonderfully great networking experience and how completely offe

Mitch Tobol
Real Ones
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Let's have some real predictions for tomorrow. Where are the handicappers, the gutsy calls, the out on a limb decision, the fanatical choice?The betting line is 3 points in favor of the Patriots. Why...who knows but the bookies who sometimes seem to call it perfectly.Let's have some fun. If you pick the winning team AND the closet score...you will