Tags - pa
Corey Bearak
Things will be better
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A year ago I blogged about gathering virtually for Passover (and for others, on Easter). No one thought then we would still be dealing with COVID19, albeit with many of us “vaxxed” or on the way to be such. Nonetheless its a big deal that we were able to gather in our small but safe core. My daughter took care of making sure a new seder plate she p

Corey Bearak
Heartbeat of Love
Posted By : Corey Bearak

On or after or sometimes before this day – always a Saturday eve, my (fraternal) lodge would hold a “sweethearts dance” and for the last couple of years it did not happen and a several couple got together on our own; this year the pandemic offered an easy excuse. Hopefully, next year will see its return. In the meantime on the first time Valentine’

Corey Bearak
New State of Our Union
Posted By : Corey Bearak

New State of Our Union (a musical playlist)   Inspired by the change in our nation's leadership, I had tweeted on Inauguration Day (1/20/21), links to "What A Day" by Poco (It starts, "It's a good mornin' and I'm feelin' fine. Smile. I never thought I could be this way. I wanna play. Oh what a day!”) and Al Kooper's Brand New Day (“Last night I ha

Corey Bearak
A Brand New Key
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A time existed – it seems many years ago – where a laptop and desktop took up space in this office.  The office featured a different configuration; there was my desk and the desk setup my son left behind when he moved out.  At some point, the desktop no longer served any purpose.  I even lent indefinitely the flatscreen to a close friend. While a c

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Big news of the week involved so many of us – including this commentator – losing power last week.  Lost ours around 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday.  I reported to Con Edison via text message. Interestingly the text “process” never yield an approximate power up time.  News stories Wednesday suggested today.  Ouch! I worked with my local NY City Council Membe

Corey Bearak
best 4th forward
Posted By : Corey Bearak

As the daylight on the 4th ended Shelly noticed the full moon and pointed it out. It still hung low and later it moved me to take a shot as I sat out back watching an array of fireworks, likely less than legal blocks away, sometimes closer in every direction. I do not recall ever seeing such an investment by neighborhood folk in risky activity, no

Corey Bearak
A little rain don’t bother me
Posted By : Corey Bearak

The title represents one of two relevant song titles I considered after deciding on this blog. You see I had another topic in mind – another discussion – perhaps another day, certainly another blog. When I retired for Friday eve, I opted to bring the laptop upstairs to leave on the dining room table for easy outside deployment yesterday. The laptop

Corey Bearak
Just saying
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Friday’s blogger opined this past Friday how politics unintentionally crept into the comments to his blog that ran the week before. Bloggers on this platform agree not to cross into politics when the opine. Though I worked in government, advise many affected by its actions, serving in it or seeking to serve I find comfort in my ability to muse abou

Corey Bearak
Safe At Home
Posted By : Corey Bearak

So my thoughts focus on when we can get together again.   You might ask why but I suspect most know.   After all, in other times, many would be looking forward to hosting or visiting family towards the end of this week into next weekend. Usually a big meal serves as the centerpiece. Instead, this time any meal involves those in the immediate househ

Corey Bearak
Got to get better
Posted By : Corey Bearak

During this time where we read of folks infected and worse by the Coronavirus COVID-19 and wish and seek healing, I offer a collection of tunes to promote a healthy feeling.  I titled it, "Doin' Fine," after my fave Savoy Brown tune, also included in this set.   I enjoyed creating a few playlists this year shared in some prior blogs; indeed I enjoy

Corey Bearak
A Right Along
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A week ago on a drive to dine out with friends, but not driving (Folks who know us both: Paul was driving!), I was scribbling a list of road songs and a few songs that fit that motif even if drive, road or highway was not in the title or lyrics.  I already compiled a train song list for my blog that ran last Sunday (check it out if you missed the b

Corey Bearak
Four (4)
Posted By : Corey Bearak

When I think about the approach of Thanksgiving, I think about more than giving thanks for my family, friends, colleagues and my life. More and more the focus involves giving. I only hope I do enough. The Tuesday that follows Thanksgiving – Giving Tuesday – represents a culmination of giving efforts through Gotham. As Friday’s blogger repeatedly re

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last weekend we enjoyed the first use of our verified TSA enrollments. It involved a short flight to Roanoke. As to the lines, we appeared not to save much time, since we caught a not so busy time. Nonetheless, I enjoyed not needing to shed my sneakers and unpack the Mac, iPad and iPhone. And we enjoyed that same convenience on the return trip. Lig

Corey Bearak
Summer Nights In The Park
Posted By : Corey Bearak

As Summer approaches I traditionally look forward to posting a list of free concerts by originals artists. I viewed the Long Island listings and found a bevy of cover bands, many in rock genres I enjoy. At this time, I remain unready to lock in dates the way I might if I bought tickets for a show. I see no reason to list shows and possibly lock in

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A good number of us gather with family this weekend. Some gathered today for Easter. Others including members of my family gathered Friday and Saturday eves for Passover. Usually we host one night and visit with family or friends (Appreciate the invites). Periodically, if find ourselves out of town, we participate in communal seders.   This year,