Tags - mets
Corey Bearak
Gotham Knights.
Posted By : Corey Bearak

The evening before involved a rather large outing of sorts.   Some 265 or so of friends, colleagues, their family, friends, colleagues and clients. Attending either through Gotham City Networking, Inc.® or Kings FDR Tolerance Foundation of FDR Lodge 613, Knights of Pythias.   Citifield. Mets v. Yankees. Five home runs.   Fireworks during the game

Corey Bearak
the big one
Posted By : Corey Bearak

I grew up loving football. Playing it. Organizing teams. Tackle. Touch. Flag. It did not matter. Strategizing (I'd argue none better!).   And today we all – at least the ratings say so – gather to watch the big one. The Super Bowl.   I recall watching my beloved Jets from a living room chair maybe four feet away from the set watching the gre

Corey Bearak
Four (4)
Posted By : Corey Bearak

I had to cut short my weekend basketball (not easy when you shoot 75%) for baseball (well, sort of). I accepted an invite to visit Citifield – home of my beloved Mets with Shelly. Doors opened at 12:30 p.m. and hoops officially ends at noon but often runs a bistle over. Needless to say, we arrived a bit early. We met my brand new group sales li

Corey Bearak
Back-to-Back Baseball Games
Posted By : Corey Bearak

The week past I ran two different group outings on successive days to Citifield. Both teams on the field represented New York.   The first eve, we also raised some money for a Foundation I served as President for a two-year stint.   The second eve, for this networking group, I connected some folks who might benefit from the introduction.   I en