Tags - john
Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

My enjoyment of good music remains steadfast. Those who know me best know my preferences (tastes?). Indeed leaving a lunch last month at my alma mater (same place for poli. sci. and law school) the question, what is Poco?, got posed by the distinguished ethics professor and the speaker my friend Sean and I delivered to the Mineola LIRR on our way b

Cayce Crown
91 Americans...
Posted By : Cayce Crown

From 2016:   You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one. - John Lennon

Corey Bearak
Physical Graffiti
Posted By : Corey Bearak

People comment about the music. All the time. They like the links. To songs. To bands. To lyrics. And more. They enjoy! Me too! No secret here music infuses my being and I find ways to insert it in my work and play and many things in between; that includes my writing. This commentary shares how an “innocent” post in a daily newspaper polit

Cayce Crown
Magnificent Figures
Posted By : Cayce Crown

A very moving experience at the movies on Monday. One of the previews showed a woman hiding Jews from the Nazis (The Zookeeper's Wife, true story). It is still astonishing and upsetting to me that humans could have let this happen. My hope and belief is that we will not let this happen again. We are certainly better equipped today than we were then

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last week the plan for today's blog would be to discuss those announced this past Thursday at Gotham Green® as the recipients of the Gotham Green Award® at a Luncheon next April in advance of Earth Day. Indeed this past week involved a have set of meetings; two major presentations sandwiched the Green announcement itself, and I did enjoy sharing m

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

This past Thursday I pretty much decided on my blog topic; even discussed it briefly with Nancy at the Gotham LI Legal/ LI/ LI Women Cocktail Party that eve.   As when I would scope out column topics weeks in advance, even have submissions for an upcoming The Public Ought to Know draft, events induce a change; I suspect a revisit to consideration

Corey Bearak
Stories We Could Tell
Posted By : Corey Bearak

John Sebastian wrote this catchy tune, “Stories We Could Tell,” found on his Tarzana Kid LP that not enough people own; more recently Tom Petty covered it.   The core chorus goes,   Yes, I wish that we could sit back on a bed in some hotel And listen to the stories we could tell   Most who know me know my love of music and fondness for a certa