Tags - john
Corey Bearak
My Ten
Posted By : Corey Bearak

At the end of every year, I compose a review of the top ten shows that I attended. This year. I posted my commentary to my website on New Year’s Day. While I prefer to post on the eve, this year and last I posted on the first day of the year. As with 2018, many of the shows received coverage in this Gotham space (View the links to review those past

Corey Bearak
Light Up This Holiday Season
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Light up this holiday season with song.  Continuing a Gotham tradition inspired by Friday's blogger (and which preceded this blog; used to just be a post to Fredslist), please find and enjoy the latest version of Happy Holidays in Song.  In three weeks some of us start with lighting candles.  Three eves later, the holiday that inspires the bulk of

Corey Bearak
The best...ever
Posted By : Corey Bearak

With my daughter back in town, she took up offers to join me at Citifield and Madison Square Garden on successive days. The Mets, in an afternoon game without any input from their “Polar Bear” parked a record six shots over the fence; not bad to attend a record breaking game and of course a victory, 11-1 over the D-Backs. The next eve we took in a

Corey Bearak
A Very Melodious August
Posted By : Corey Bearak

We saw some really great shows so far this year. And it’s not impossible that by the time this month passes nothing can top 2019’s August. Already this month we saw Poco co-founder Jim Messina (perhaps better known for his work with Kenny Loggins) August 5 at current fave venue, My Father’s Place. This past Thursday at Radio City Music Hall, we enj

Corey Bearak
Happy Together
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last week, I lamented the lack of free (and low cost) shows this summer. This, by no means, indicate a lack of quality shows to attend; it just means parting with many, many pennies to access them. My intended lineup of summer shows remains in flux. But, a schedule of sorts appears to show some promise.   Vacation plans may impact the ability to ca

Corey Bearak
Summer Nights In The Park
Posted By : Corey Bearak

As Summer approaches I traditionally look forward to posting a list of free concerts by originals artists. I viewed the Long Island listings and found a bevy of cover bands, many in rock genres I enjoy. At this time, I remain unready to lock in dates the way I might if I bought tickets for a show. I see no reason to list shows and possibly lock in

Corey Bearak
A top 10 list
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Best wishes in this first weekend of the new year. Many recent Gotham blogs looked ahead and share resolutions and predictions for this year. Instead, I continue practice to share a list compiled and commentary posted to my website on the top ten shows I attended in the year just ended. Hope you find the list -- 1) John Fogerty and ZZ Top 2) Th

Corey Bearak
Joyful Rides
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Interesting how time intersects.  So in last week’s blog, I released an updated Happy Holidays in song playist, which included a few extra Chanukah songs.  Some people provided links to some songs you’ll find next year (though I did informally add them pending placement within the flow of the existing list.).  In the week that followed last year’s

Corey Bearak
A show
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A few nights ago, one might say Marisa returned the favor. She took her dad to see a show. A long time a-coming, as the lyrics go. I believe her first time was during the winter a quarter century ago. Marisa was not yet in school. Today’s birthday boy was but several months in First Grade. Only one of three shows I attended that year, all with a

Corey Bearak
A family gathering -- really -- at My Father's Place
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Since I first read about its impending return, and the closing of a similar rock venue in Times Square earlier this year, I avidly anticipated an opportunity to catch a show and the new iteration of My Father’s Place in Roslyn. It re-opened at its new location in The Roslyn Hotel on Old Northern Boulevard on June 29. Buxter Poindexter headlined i

Corey Bearak
Best Ever
Posted By : Corey Bearak

No secret around these parts about my love for live music. Most know I attended a fair amount of concerts over the years. Some years more shows than others. Few disappoint. I generally leave rather satisfied and energized by the music. Something certainly clicked this past Wednesday eve (June 20, 2018) at Jones Beach. Living legend John Fogerty, t

Corey Bearak
The Sounds of Summer
Posted By : Corey Bearak

The wretchedly rainy weather suggests otherwise. Usually the warm weather we usually find – albeit not this year – signals wondrous opportunities to experience live music, often outside. So in addition to looking forward to attending some baseball games, discussions before, between and after my weekly weekend and eve basketball games involves upc

Corey Bearak
Are you attending Gotham Battle of the Bands®?
Posted By : Corey Bearak

This afternoon, Gotham hosts its annual Battle of the Bands®.   In contrast to discussions about politics that tend towards controversy and division, music tends to bring people of different persuasions together.   Some of my social media posts (I purposely avoid giving P.R. to either platform in this blog) invite “interesting” comments. Even ar

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Just over was three years ago, Gotham lost one of its good guys – Jack Friedman who had passed away earlier today just days short of his 56th birthday. Fittingly because Jack enjoyed live music – we attended several shows together, I drafted a post to Fredslist and the Gotham website wall about his passing and the funeral and Shiva arrangements

Corey Bearak
Nothing like live
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Nothing like live music; especially good live shows.   Already this month, famous for the "Ides of ...."  and how it "weathers," shapes up rather nicely.   On its second day, I enjoyed original Grateful Dead members Bob Weir and Phil Lesh ("Bobby & Phil Duo") at Radio City.   On the "Ides", no assassinaton but rather a celebration of two great