Tags - guttmacher
Corey Bearak
All in the family
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Today culminates a special week for my clan.  It started with Shelly taking a ride on her new bike transported for the first time via a bike rack.  Then we learn of our son Jonathan's promotion at Guttmacher Institute to Principal Research Scientist, Modeling & Analytics. A few days later New York Governor Kathy Hochul announces an indefinitely

Corey Bearak
A coincidence...perhaps
Posted By : Corey Bearak

No secret how proud Shelly and I are proud of our children (and our daughter in law too).  When we gathered last night for dinner I toasted Jonathan and Marisa for their recent achievement.  This weekend I tweeted (see pic upper right)-- twice, last night and Friday -- about proud parent moments:   Jonathan -- published again -- this time in Studi

Corey Bearak
2 docs & a scribe
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Friday became a rather special day. It started with the Daily News publishing an op-ed penned by our daughter, Marisa, on its website and then we receive word our daughter-in-law, Carrie, passed her dissertation defense that morning, thus earning her PhD in Psychology at my alma mater Hofstra University.   Marisa’s commentary, Don’t just condemn

Corey Bearak
An august week for the Bearak offspring.
Posted By : Corey Bearak

This is the blog Friday’s blogger pressed me to draft and post last week. I argued let the net “facts” occur first. In fact, I get to tout not only my newly promoted daughter but my son who shared word of a recent study getting issued last week in print.   Last Monday, our daughter, Marisa, started her new gig at the New York Region of American Jew

Corey Bearak
It makes a parent proud
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Those who follow me on twitter and some others there and Friday’s blogger know Shelly and I enjoyed a proud parent moment last week. Mid-morning Friday, our son texted “Tweeted out my new article.” I replied “I’ll look congrats” and opened twitter, search out my son’s account to find his article, which appeared in the prestigious journal, Demograph