Tags - gotham
Corey Bearak
With a Little Help from Our Friends
Posted By : Corey Bearak

On a day where many friends gather to catch a game or use a game an “excuse” to gather, I want to thank friends working together to make nice things happen.   I certainly have used this space to advocate for causes I support and work with and for.  Many friends in and out of Gotham join me to support Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP) where I

Corey Bearak
GOtham GREEN® continues its tradition of recognizing worthy initiatives, products & people
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Gotham started a new tradition when it moved its Gotham Green Awards® to November in 2020. GOtham GREEN® now announces its awards which herald worthy initiatives, products and people ahead of Thanksgiving. Earlier awards took place at various times including the end of each year and around Earth Day. This timing fits best and just before we gather

Corey Bearak
Coding for the holidays
Posted By : Corey Bearak

As the week began I received an email from my friend and Gotham colleague Amparo Connors who runs an employee placement firm (temps and permanent); Amparo reached out to those she usually sends holiday/season’s greetings/ new year wishes concerning the intended token. Our discussion led me to suggest that topic for the joint meeting of Gotham Queen

Corey Bearak
Gotham GREEN® welcomes applications for the 2022 Gotham Green Awards®
Posted By : Corey Bearak

It's that time again.  Know some people, businesses and organizations that work on environmentally sustainable initiatives and projects?  Why not help them gain much deserved recognition?  Apply them for the Gotham Green Awards®.   Gotham GREEN® provides a platform for businesses and professionals who seek to connect and promote sustainable busine

Corey Bearak
Creatures featured
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Folks know my preference to work outdoors. Not hard labor (of course I have the ability); just setting up on my deck with much the same accoutrements I enjoy at when in my office (where I draft today’s commentary). The internet, cordless phone, iPhone, iPad and MacBook all facilitate a seamless transition from a desk inside to a comparative outside

Corey Bearak
Gotham needs to make a choice!
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Gotham needs to make a choice -- and  it's not Yankees or Mets but when to see these beloved and successful teams play each other (at Citi Field) in 2023. As Gotham looks forward to another successful outdoor gathering -- we get to enjoy the splendors of Alley Pond Park in Bayside Queens next Saturday, September 17 for our annual (free) Gotham Pic

Corey Bearak
Gotham & Knights
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last culminated a number of important events in the Order Knights of Pythias where I hold a number of roles in NewYork. Last Wednesday, our Grand Chancellor, elected at our Grand Convention last month, delivered his message at a special event called the “Pythian Investiture” and I was “invested” as his “Executive Secretary” (see photo at left where

Corey Bearak
A Friendly Gathering Around A Rivalry
Posted By : Corey Bearak

  We took over Citi Field last Tuesday.  At least one section of the Left-Field Landing.  Last week’s commentary concluded with a mention of Tuesday night when some 250 of my closest friends and their family, friends and colleagues would join me at Citi Field where Friday’s bloggers Yankees and my Mets previewed a later October (and maybe early No

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

If you read last week’s blog, you know I posted from Philly. We stayed in the historic part and just a few blocks from our hotel, we could walk to the Museum of the American Revolution. It included a special exhibit of paintings by Don Troiano recreating revolutionary era events; those painting supplemented actual artifacts, munitions, arms, gear,

Corey Bearak
Ready for use
Posted By : Corey Bearak

At the last Gotham “Happy Hour” over Zoom, I opted not to use one of my Gotham backgrounds (Of late, I generally used the Citi Field Scoreboard announcing “Gotham Networking”.). I used the trees in my yard background that reflect what folks saw last year when I participated in Zooms from my “outside office.” Indeed some at Happy Hour suggested I wa

Corey Bearak
Zoom in or out
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Friday’s Gotham blogger suggested today’s commentary. Interestingly his Friday blog covered modes of community. He found interesting how I balanced multiple Zooms as Gotham Queens, (GQ) a group I “mentor” met Thursday. Gotham Zooms can run on average 90 minutes but when in person one might allocate up to two hours for many such networking sessions;

Corey Bearak
Gotham helps people!
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Many in our tribe talk about “The Power of Gotham.”   Many involved in our Gotham tribe support charitable activities. The Gotham Foundation each year at our holiday party supports charitable causes that matters to our members. Gotham even features a Make A Difference “MAD” group for those connected to causes and more; others may differ but I tak

Corey Bearak
A Super Way to support charities
Posted By : Corey Bearak

As we learn today which teams will survive conference championship games later today in order to compete two weeks hence in Superbowl LVI, I find it easier to focus on a fun fundraiser that helps raise funds my home Knights of Pythias lodge’s foundation distributes later this year. Each year, FDR Lodge 613’s Kings FDR Tolerance Foundation distribut

Corey Bearak
Gotham Business POWER Breakfast breaks mold
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Not yet reflected on the Gotham Networking website, but a partnership of two Gotham Groups that opted to meet together throughout the 2021 pandemic challenged year forged a brand new Gotham amalgamation for 2022.  Gotham Busines POWER Breakfast held its inaugural meeting, Wednesday morning January 12 (, 2022).    In 2021 building on an informal d

Corey Bearak
A new image
Posted By : Corey Bearak

When I started to use Zoom, the inability to use virtual backgrounds for my meeting gnawed at me. When I upgrade “Early 2015” MacBook Pro late last year, I looked forward to using virtual backgrounds and uploaded images that reflected the organization involved in the Zoom. I have images for SNAP (Services Now for Adult Persons) where I chair th