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Corey Bearak
Live vinyl
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Most folk know this commentator’s affinity for live music.  I enjoy attending concerts – immensely.  I was viewing a YouTube video and I saw a few links to top 10 live albums.  Both I checked out involved vinyl.  I had a few on each list.  While I like such lists, I never thought to list a top ten of my live LPs. It got me curious to how many Live

Corey Bearak
GOtham GREEN® continues a tradition recognizing worthy initiatives and businesses
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Early in my career I enjoyed opportunities to work to enact major environmental initiatives including “The NYC Recycling Law,” the “Spill Bill,” mandating cleanup of accidental releases of hazardous substances or assessing three times the cost of any cleanup performed by the City of New York (The Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Law - 1987 Lo

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Building on the vibe in last week's commentary in this space, many I know root for a subway series.  The Bronx "tenants" did their part.  We'll know soon enough the outcome involving the Queens "tenants" I root for and who I brought my very appreciative daughter to a game also attended by my brother Jeff and Friday's blogger and sons and grandson l

Corey Bearak
I Can Feel The Fire
Posted By : Corey Bearak

This commentary's title reflects more than a great song.  It reflects the feeling last week following my baseball team in the NLDS.  It also became the name of great song and video lists I got moved to create after the Mets clinched their divisional series at home and joined some labor colleagues outside at a fire pit. Let me start by sharing I wa

Corey Bearak
A Presidential Time
Posted By : Corey Bearak

While most of the world fixated on two presidents for a variety of reasons, some not so good, last week I explored two earlier presidents who hailed from New York. My wife and daughter like brief jaunts to the Hudson Valley and this one featured visits to Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) Library and Museum and National Historic Site in Hyde Park and the

Corey Bearak
A classy action
Posted By : Corey Bearak

For several months, I’ve been meeting via Zoom with like-minded folks who oppose the imposition of a toll-tax (aka congestion pricing) to enter Manhattan south of 60th Street. Late last year, as other concerned folks and groups joined our weekly Zooms, those gathered decided to hire a lawyer and explore bringing a lawsuit. The group chose a name an

Corey Bearak
A Drive, Coffee, Rain and Song
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Shelly and I decided, with no plans ahead of yesterday, to visit the place I mail order my coffee in the West Village. Porto Rico on Bleecker Street off Sixth Avenue closes at 5:00 p.m. sharp. I needed to replenish my coffee and in addition to a Hazelnut blend, the shop sometimes offers a Franjelica blend (named for my fave Franjelico liqueur that

Corey Bearak
A Best of 2023 as the year concludes
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Going into New Year’s Eve, I prepare my annual year-end commentary recounting my top ten shows for the past 12 months. I post the list with comments on website on my Commentary page. Some of the concert reviews include Sunday commentary posted to Gotham.   Enjoy the list   1) Jackson Browne (August 28,Beacon Theatre)   2) Jim Messina (Novembe

Corey Bearak
Gotham's triple crown
Posted By : Corey Bearak

In 2012, Gotham added its Red Bandana Award, in addition to its annual Networker of the Year Award (initiated in 2004). The Year before (2011) Gotham selected my co-chair of GOtham GREEN® Joshua Zinder, and me as Networkers of the Year. Both awards, announced at Gotham’s Annual Holiday Party, can only be won once and gain entry in to the hallowed G

Corey Bearak
GOtham GREEN® recognizes worthy initiatives, products & people
Posted By : Corey Bearak

GOtham GREEN® continues its tradition of recognizing worthy initiatives, products & people   Gotham continued it recent pre-Thanksgiving holiday tradition when it announced its Gotham Green Awards® last week. Since to November 2020 GOtham GREEN® heralds worthy initiatives, products and people ahead of Thanksgiving. Earlier awards took place a

Corey Bearak
It’s better to give....
Posted By : Corey Bearak

A Gotham mantra – it’s better to give than receive...” – takes a special meaning this month. Not just because Gotham approaches a countdown to when our tribe announces the recipient charities of its annual Season of Giving. In just over two weeks, the first Tuesday, after Thanksgiving, that’s Tuesday, November 28, this year 2023, Giving Tuesday tak

Corey Bearak
I Got My Eyes On You
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Just under four years ago Marisa and I attended Peter Frampton's Farewell tour at Madison Square Garden.  Following his diagnosis with Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM), Peter expected not to be able to play much longer.  According to John Hopkins, IBM "causes muscle weakness that may worsen over time and damage the muscles. The rate of this decline va

Corey Bearak
With a Little Help from Our Friends
Posted By : Corey Bearak

On a day where many friends gather to catch a game or use a game an “excuse” to gather, I want to thank friends working together to make nice things happen.   I certainly have used this space to advocate for causes I support and work with and for.  Many friends in and out of Gotham join me to support Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP) where I

Corey Bearak
GOtham GREEN® continues its tradition of recognizing worthy initiatives, products & people
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Gotham started a new tradition when it moved its Gotham Green Awards® to November in 2020. GOtham GREEN® now announces its awards which herald worthy initiatives, products and people ahead of Thanksgiving. Earlier awards took place at various times including the end of each year and around Earth Day. This timing fits best and just before we gather

Corey Bearak
Gil and Buck
Posted By : Corey Bearak

It's not exactly unknown that I root for the Mets.  Friends and colleagues know, I have strong opinions on personnel, staffing, who plays, player moves, even in game strategy. When first discussed last fall, I was not on board with hiring Buck Showalter to manage my Mets.  It turned out what I read about him was not what he turned out to be.  It st