Tags - demography
Corey Bearak
An august week for the Bearak offspring.
Posted By : Corey Bearak

This is the blog Friday’s blogger pressed me to draft and post last week. I argued let the net “facts” occur first. In fact, I get to tout not only my newly promoted daughter but my son who shared word of a recent study getting issued last week in print.   Last Monday, our daughter, Marisa, started her new gig at the New York Region of American Jew

Corey Bearak
It makes a parent proud
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Those who follow me on twitter and some others there and Friday’s blogger know Shelly and I enjoyed a proud parent moment last week. Mid-morning Friday, our son texted “Tweeted out my new article.” I replied “I’ll look congrats” and opened twitter, search out my son’s account to find his article, which appeared in the prestigious journal, Demograph