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Rona Gura
Internet Warriors
Posted By : Rona Gura

Do you post reviews on the internet or social media? Several years ago I wrote a series of blogs about how it felt to be the victim of a vicious, and fraudulent, internet attack. Since that time, I have learned how to properly protect my online reputation and how important it is to do so.     I decided, however, that I wanted to take something els

Rona Gura
It Is All About The People
Posted By : Rona Gura

We often talk about how Gotham is different than most other networking groups. At Gotham, we not only care about the business development, but we care about the people. And I believe that our blogs strongly reflect that.   I am not aware of many other networking groups that encourage blogging. And, if they do, the topics are generally limited to

Rona Gura
Finding the Joy in the Music
Posted By : Rona Gura

At my weekly WW meeting the topic on Saturday was, “What brings you joy?” With respect to weight loss, the question was relevant as to finding alternatives other than food to self sooth. Also, apparently, the release of endorphins is directly linked to weight loss.   When the question was first asked one woman screamed out, “Disco music and I’m no

Rona Gura
Summer Travels
Posted By : Rona Gura

I love July 4th weekend. To me it is the official beginning of the summer; being a bit more relaxed at work, barbecues with friends, days at the pool and beach. But, most importantly, July 4th brings to mind summer vacations.   Almost every travel article I read predicts that travel this summer will be at an all time high. We have plans to bring o

Rona Gura
The Most Important Meal of The Day
Posted By : Rona Gura

I need a new breakfast routine. For several years, during the weekdays, I would make a breakfast sandwich on toast and eat in the car. Not the best way to eat breakfast, I admit, but it worked for me.     As I had previously blogged, I recently leased a new car. I finally realized that my prior breakfast routine was not “car friendly’” i.e. too man

Rona Gura
Getting To and From
Posted By : Rona Gura

Are you a car person? Admittedly, I am not. To me, my car’s function is to get me to and from where I need to be. Since that sometime means driving through inclement weather, I generally drive a SUV or cross-over.   For the past six years I have leased a GMC Terrain. I loved my Terrain but, for some reason, when the second lease recently ran out I

Rona Gura
Celebrating Creatively
Posted By : Rona Gura

I am turning 60 this summer, as are many of my longtime friends. Given that we are still in a pandemic, we are all finding creative ways to celebrate.   For my husband’s 60th birthday, this past October, I had friends and family from near and far submit a short video, and pictures if they had, to wish him a happy birthday. My daughter put it all t

Rona Gura
Sometimes A Small Compliment is All It Takes
Posted By : Rona Gura

Last week I took a day to work from home in the morning as I had my annual check-up scheduled in the early afternoon. After my check-up (which went fine), I took some time to do some local errands.     It was a rainy day and I was in really a blah mood. I rushed into Costco with a frown on my face and my head down. Suddenly a woman stopped me, whic

Rona Gura
Something New to Bar-b-Que
Posted By : Rona Gura

With most of the weekend being a wash-out, I am still hoping that the weather clears later today so we can have a bar-b-que. All of our plans, from seeing the Blue Angels on my friend’s boat on Saturday to having our kids over on Sunday for a day at the pool and a bar-b-que,  were rained out.   We have a large bar-b-que and I love using it. We can

Rona Gura
Reunited And It Feels So Good
Posted By : Rona Gura

I am truly enjoying seeing on social media all of the post-vaccine reunions people are having with their loved ones. From seeing friends reunite with their elderly parents to friends reuniting, each picture brings a smile to my face.     My first post-vaccine reunion was with my long-time friends from high school. It was a surprise for my friend Ma

Rona Gura
Silver Foxes?
Posted By : Rona Gura

  This weekend was the weekend. I got my hair colored. The moment I see those pesky gray hairs peaking through, I start figuring out the best time to get my color done. Every so often I think about embracing my gray. Women such as Helen Mirren, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Meryl Streep have done so and look phenomenal. I wonder why can’t I? I also wond

Rona Gura
Perennial Maskers
Posted By : Rona Gura

  I recently read an interesting article in New York Magazine. The subject of the article was the perennial maskers. The people interviewed for the story claimed that, even after mask mandates are lifted in New York and by the federal government, they would continue to wear their masks. Most of them agreed that they felt safe wearing masks and cou

Rona Gura
I Forgot
Posted By : Rona Gura

I am a person who loves her routines, especially my Saturday morning routine. My husband works on Saturdays so I have the time to myself. Almost every Saturday morning, I exercise, do my office billing, write my blog, and then do my errands. That is pretty much the way my day goes most Saturdays.   This past Saturday morning, a surprise birthday

Rona Gura
The "Ease" of Technology
Posted By : Rona Gura

  As we continue in this pandemic one observation has become readily apparent, video conferencing, and for me video court appearances are here to stay. So, my question is, is it getting any easier for you?   For me that answer is complicated. I had two opposite experiences in the same week.   Early in the week there was a scheduled video court

Rona Gura
The Strange Feeling of "Normal"
Posted By : Rona Gura

  After Hurricane Sandy, the entire lower level of our home was destroyed. During the rebuilding of our home I gave my husband a gift. I told him he could have the downstairs den as a “man-cave.” He opted to turn it into a home movie theater with ten theater seats and a large screen television.   Once the theater was done, we developed a new rou


It's Monday, Monday. Let me know what you think about. . .

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