Nancy Schess
COVID Birthdays
Posted By : Nancy Schess

We have all had at least one, or now maybe two birthdays since the pandemic began.  Celebrations have turned into gyrations of creativity and honestly it has been fun to watch.   So many of you played an important part in celebrating my birthday this year.  While it was certainly not the picture I had in my head of a birthday celebration outside a

Nancy Schess
I'm Angry
Posted By : Nancy Schess

This is about masks.  I wear my mask on the LIRR and subway as I am supposed to.    The LIRR was crowded this morning.  Not shoulder to shoulder, but no excess of empty seats.  So, I sat down.    These days I’ve learned to look at the mask status of the person sitting next to me beforehand, but for some reason this morning I just sat.  It felt so p

Nancy Schess
Your Village
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  It does take a village.    I’ve been thinking lately about my own village – both the people I consider to be in mine and those who I know rely on me for theirs.  Without great surprise, there is not unexpected overlap for me in those two groups.   I define village as those people to whom you would turn to celebrate the good times and share the b

Nancy Schess
It's All of You
Posted By : Nancy Schess

You may have noticed, at least I hope you have, a new thing happening on Tuesdays on our social media.  The past few weeks, have had “Gotham Tuesdays” where members have shared what is special about Gotham to them.    Fred rolled out the first and toured us around some of Gotham’s offerings. Next, Shelley Simpson showed us all how to do it and she

Nancy Schess
Recipe Time!
Posted By : Nancy Schess

It is almost surreal to be planning an actual holiday in my house.  I bought the turkey last weekend.  Frankly, the turkey is the easiest part of the meal.   Of course, the sweet potato pudding will  be on the table, along with corn bread, stuffing and mashed potatoes  Rumor has it there is also going to be some homemade gluten free macaroni and ch

Nancy Schess
Continuing COVID Etiquette
Posted By : Nancy Schess

There are still so many decisions to make every day even at this stage in the pandemic.   I had a meeting the other day. I was masked walking in but knew the colleague I was meeting was also fully vaccinated.  Mask on? Mask off?   Hug? Shake hands? Fist bump? Wave?   Suggest a Zoom or a phone call instead -- because people are Zoomed out? Should

Nancy Schess
It's Dark Outside
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I always know Daylight Savings is ending and the time to move the clocks back is coming when it is dark outside as the morning alarm starts to sing.  I enjoy the change of seasons and look forward to it every year.  There is something special about the crispness of a fall day.   But getting up in the dark is a different experience.   Rationally, I

Nancy Schess
Newspaper Days
Posted By : Nancy Schess

You all know how much I treasure my LIRR commute and how much peace and calm it brings me.   I was reminiscing the other day about the old days when the morning newspaper was a part of the daily ritual.  Part of getting me through any particular commute was looking forward to reading the newspaper – newsprint on my fingers and all.  There was just

Nancy Schess
Not Just a Candle
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Several times a year we light candles for family members who have passed.   These are not just any candles.  These are special candles intended to burn for 24 hours in memory of the loved ones lost.   I always watched my parents light these candles every year, on certain holidays and on a date in the Jewish calendar commemorating their loved one’s

Nancy Schess
Starting Anew
Posted By : Nancy Schess

This time of year brings me back to that wonderful sense of starting anew.  I can reach back and touch the feeling of the first day of school, brand new school supplies and of course, that first day of school outfit.   I’m not sure whether my memories of kindergarten are really vivid, or my memories of my parents home movies of me in kindergarten a

Nancy Schess
Come and Take a Tour
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Welcome! To Gotham’s new website!   Hoping you all enjoyed a wonderful long Labor Day weekend.   To start off your fall season, we invite you to take a tour of our new site.   There is much to see and much has been updated, all with an eye towards providing a more streamlined site for our member’s use.   Take a look when you have a minute!   Specia

Nancy Schess
Ahhh, Snow
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  I can’t believe I just said that . . . It’s been a less than white winter. We have seen so little snow in New York this season that it seems to be a kind of low snow record. We have seen so little snow that school districts across the city jumped to close for a snow day. So, when the forecast predicted a bit of a storm Sunday night into Mon

Nancy Schess
Make Sure to Earn Your Salt Today
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  My husband might call this an addition to my ever growing “book of useless information.” I was reading the other day about the importance of salt in history. Yes, salt – that condiment that goes great with French fries. Apparently, in ancient and medieval times, salt was in important form of currency. Great trades took place in the form of sa

Nancy Schess
On A Stopped Train
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  There was a crowd on the platform but the train was sitting in the station with the doors open. It was obvious that something was going on inside one of the cars since handfuls of MTA workers were hovering inside and around. No one seemed particularly anxious but something bad was going down.     Soon, we learned that there was a passenger on t

Nancy Schess
It's a Tradition
Posted By : Nancy Schess

    Here goes my annual tradition. I’m not a huge football fan but I watch the Super Bowl every year, mostly for the commercials (and the half time show). I tried to come up with my top five commercial list -- but I wound up with six. So here goes! My 2019 Superbowl most memorable commercial list in no particular order.     1. T Mobile: The multi

Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Tuesday musings . . . and be careful because if you are around on Monday when I am writing, you could wind up the subject of my blog!
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