Nancy Schess
We're Packing Again
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  We are doing it again. Packing to send a child off to college.     This time its my son and a completely different experience.     When we moved my daughter in to school – each of four years – it was a three day process. Freshman year there were actually ceremonies that the parents attended but after that, it was about shopping and putting f

Nancy Schess
Take Me Off Your List
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  Has anyone else noticed an increase in the number of calls trying to sell you something??     Don’t get me wrong. I am certain some of the causes are noble – and really, I am sure my computer is broken, and the only solution is for a perfect stranger to take control and fix it. But, when I get home at night, or on my precious weekend days, th

Nancy Schess
This Is What 96 Looks Like
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  We spent last week in Florida visiting family, including my mother in law. She recently celebrated her 96th birthday. Think about that. She was born in 1922. World War I was over and she would be a young girl when World War II broke out. She was born during Prohibition (which didn’t end until 1933) and lived through the Great Depression. He

Nancy Schess
The Lost Art of Thank You
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  It’s such a small thing, but so powerful and so noticeable when absent.     When someone says “thank you” it means that they appreciate something you have done. With two small words, they show gratitude for something large or small. It could be as simple as a cashier saying thank you when your transaction is complete. Or if someone gets up to

Nancy Schess
A Blog in The Box
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Sometimes I wish I had a blog in the box ready to go. Here's how Monday night goes in my house.  At some point late, I turn around and a loud curse word escapes from my lips and whichever family  member is nearby says out loud -- "You have to write a blog". Yes, yes I do.   Today I ask for ideas.  What would you like your bloggers to tlak about? 

Nancy Schess
The Rating Phenomenon
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  My daughter and I were having a conversation the other day about college professors. I was kind of astounded by the process she was describing in choosing a course to take.     She was explaining to me that part of choosing a class is vetting the professor. For most professors, there is information available on professor rating websites to see

Nancy Schess
Fatherly Advice
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  With Father’s Day just having passed, I think about the type of wisdom and advice that passes from father to child.   My father was all about honesty, integrity and doing the right thing -- alongside a corny joke. He was very free with his advice. To this day, I continue to hear stories about advice my father gave family and friends when it cam

Nancy Schess
Strolling Down Yearbook Lane
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  My house is in the middle of two graduations. It’s the thing that happens when your children are four years apart. But, that is not the subject of my blog. I promise, much to follow on those subjects.     As I write this blog, I am sitting here perusing my son’s high school yearbook. I intentionally ordered doubles of both yearbooks. I decided

Nancy Schess
Do You Hear It?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  I need some help understanding a phenomenon running through the radio. Do you hear Yanni or Laurel?   I have listened at different times on different channels and pieces of equipment. I hear Yanni (sorry, Laurel). But the rest of my family definitely hears Laurel.   We have seen things like this before. Remember the dress that was either gold or

Nancy Schess
Do You Respond?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  I’m noticing lately that I am receiving more and more email soliciting my business. These emails don’t read like spam necessarily. They are coherent and pointed descriptions of a service.     I don’t like these email solicitations. They clog my inbox and I am not likely to engage someone through such a “cold call” email but maybe I am missing

Nancy Schess
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  It’s allergy season. Runny eyes, sneezing. You know the drill.     I suppose on the other side of this season, we know that spring is here and that’s good.     But until then, I just look forward to that daily dose of Zyrtec.     Anyone have any allergy secrets to share?  

Nancy Schess
Fifty-Eight Years
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  They were married fifty-eight years and his wife recently passed away. But, the workers at the local diner weren’t going to let this gentleman eat alone. Take it one step further – they weren’t going to let him be alone.     As he talked to one of the servers, she was asking questions about his wife and their life together. They had been very m

Nancy Schess
Welcome To The World
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  A new prince arrived yesterday. And the world rejoiced.     I have been a royal follower for a long time. Really, back to Princess Diana whose life, and death, I always followed.   Yesterday, I was taken by the fact that Kate, with a baby just 7 hours old, was dressed, poised and looking great showing off her new son on the steps of the hospi

Nancy Schess
Spring is Finally Here
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  How do I know? It’s not because the weather is warm and the flowers are starting to bloom. It’s not because the smell of grass has taken over from the smell of snow. Yes, snow does have a smell. It’s surely not because our percentage of meals on the grill has escalated.     It is because baseball is on the television in my house all the time –

Nancy Schess
Where Are Your Photos?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  I went looking for some photos recently. I wanted to share some memories from when my kids were young with a friend.     When I use the word “share” however, it isn’t intended in the context of social media. I really wanted to sit at a table with old photos, stroll down memory lane, and physically give some to a friend.     But when I started

Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Tuesday musings . . . and be careful because if you are around on Monday when I am writing, you could wind up the subject of my blog!
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