Nancy Schess
Posted By : Nancy Schess

It seemed like a fun idea, and it was.   Saturday night we went to see an 80’s cover band.  Two full hours of rocking to a playlist that took us back to a very different time – even back to the 70s.   A little Bon Jovi, Journey, Van Halen, Culture Club. And then a full eight and one half minutes of Paradise by the Dashboard Light.   Were we singing

Nancy Schess
Sing a Song
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I was reminded the other day how often my family just breaks into song. We always have, and most often really ridiculous silly songs sometimes even made up – or, in the alternative a good old fashioned show tune.   I grew up on show tunes.  We were a big musical family (we still are).  I woke up every Saturday morning to my dad playing his favorite

Nancy Schess
A Long and Winding Road
Posted By : Nancy Schess

This past weekend we took a road trip.  To Boston, to be exact, for the wedding of the daughter of a good friend. Tons of fun.   But my blog is about the trip there and back.  A long car ride, just my husband and me.   After we have talked for a while and caught up, our car rides quickly turn to music and loud, very loud I’m afraid, singing.  We h

Nancy Schess
Singing And Dancing
Posted By : Nancy Schess

That is how I spent Friday night – with friends after a good meal.   Last week, Laurel (Scarr-Konel for those you who might now know) invited us to a concert – Kool & The Gang, with opening acts by The Spinners and Average White Band.  We had no plans that night.  Who will agree with my that sometimes spontaneity is best?   I haven’t been to We

Nancy Schess
He Never Disappoints
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  Bill and I saw Billy Joel perform – again – at Madison Square Garden.     It is one of only a few concerts I can think of where you enter the venue singing, sing the whole time and leave thinking about the few songs you didn’t hear. His repertoire is so vast that he could fill many concerns and never repeat a song.     And, Billy Joel is so

Nancy Schess
The Gift of Song
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  This is a proud mama blog.     By Sunday night, I was pleasantly exhausted. This weekend was the Syosset High School musical. For four straight nights, we sat in the auditorium each night inching our way closer to the stage, watching an amazingly talented and cohesive group of students in their happy spots – including my son.     The producti

Nancy Schess
A Favorite
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  We are all creatures of habit. I am about to divulge a fact about myself that few people know. When I am alone in the car I sing – loudly. And, I am partial to one particular song – Born in the USA. To be honest, I’m not sure why this song calls me when I am driving. Maybe it brings me back to high school when my group of friends would sing th

Nancy Schess
Dance, Anyone?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  This is not an original blog idea, with credit going to my law partner, Jane Jacobs. But, it got me thinking – well, really singing. Jane was in the process recently of creating a dance playlist and asked for recommendations from her friends.   Let’s help Jane fill out that playlist.  I’ll start.   The first three that came to my mind: 1. Sweet

Nancy Schess
And The Beat Goes On
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Wait, wrong artist. Continuing his promise to play in New York until the fans stop coming, Billy Joel just announced four new shows at Madison Square Garden into 2015 and they were all sold out in hours. That was on top of 12 sold out shows, one each month, for the entirety of 2014. Let’s do the math. Roughly 20,000 people at each concert this year

Nancy Schess
Your Favorite Music App
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I recently discovered Spotify and Pandora. I may be late to the game, but until now I was devoted to my itunes playlists. That said, I am enjoying the immediacy of being able to listen to new music or really any kind of music whenever the moment moves me. I have to say, my gym workouts have been more intense with this new discovery. What is you

Nancy Schess
I'm Still Singing
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I discovered music in high school. It started with Barry Manilow (yes, I did just admit that) and Bill Joel, but soon Bruce Springsteen took center stage. I have vivid memories of long summer nights with friends hanging out outside of our houses and singing Bruce’s latest hits at the top of our lungs. Not sure the neighbors loved our performances

Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Tuesday musings . . . and be careful because if you are around on Monday when I am writing, you could wind up the subject of my blog!
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