Nancy Schess
Another Awards Show Wraps
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Did you watch the Oscars?  I watched some, frankly, dozing in and out.   What did you think of the “red carpet”?  Did Adam Sandler’s shorts and sweatshirt pass muster?  I am a little confused as to how Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande actually sat down in their dresses.  I was convinced for a little while that they would change once they entered the

Nancy Schess
Your Favorite Small Screen Show
Posted By : Nancy Schess

With the onset of that part of our summer where we are watching our grand puppy, our small screen choices have literally come into view.  Most of our binging choices are on hiatus (with the exception of The Bear) and so we are looking for some suggestions.    We only have a few episodes left of The Bear (with review to come later).   Our list of bi

Nancy Schess
The First Time Back
Posted By : Nancy Schess

We would have ventured back to a movie theatre ages ago but frankly, just did not have the opportunity.  OK, in truth, maybe we became a little lazy during the pandemic. There is something very relaxing about pajamas, a glass of wine and a movie or binge worthy show on my big screen TV. And, during the pandemic, the choices became very plentiful.  

Nancy Schess
Have You Been?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

As a group, we’ve been blogging a lot lately about movies.  Rona has a movie studio in her basement.  During the pandemic, my family room became our Saturday night movie night space. But here I am thinking about an actual movie theatre.  All through the pandemic, movies opened straight to the small screen and we learned the power of Roku.  Lately,

Nancy Schess
Need a New Binge
Posted By : Nancy Schess

It’s that kind of week in the middle of a raging pandemic and so what do we do?  We figure out what is best to next binge watch.   Our most recent A+ goes to The Kaminsky Method which touched both of us way too personally for so many reasons.  We watched Manifest for a while and it was good, but after a while was a bit too much.  We started The Cha

Nancy Schess
How Do You Stream?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I’m taking a survey. There are so many viewing options today. Netflix? Amazon Prime? Hulu? And how about streaming sticks like Roku or Amazon Fire Stick? To be honest, I don’t even really know what those are. That said, my current options seem limited. Netflix just isn’t what it used to be. What is your favorite mode of streaming? I’m ready

Nancy Schess
Just OK
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  This past weekend we saw Manchester By The Sea. Perhaps because we had such high expectations, we were disappointed. Casey Affleck is a very talented actor, but frankly, I though his portrayal was flat. I most liked the actor who played Casey's nephew, but perhaps because I have a 16 year old son. The movie was on the longer side for reason

Nancy Schess
The New Netflix
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  A game changer, really.     Last week, Netflix changed its offering. Now, instead of needing wifi or a data connection to watch your favorite Netflix programming, all you need is some downloaded content. Netflix has your favorite programs, well at least mine, available for a quick download.     For any of you out there who commute, you will u

Nancy Schess
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  I am not sure I have ever written a movie review blog. But here goes. This past weekend, we saw “Truth”, the movie about what came to be known as Rathergate, the news story that took down Dan Rather. Regardless of whether you lean the same way as the movie, I recommend visiting a movie theatre soon to take this one in. First, really excellent

Nancy Schess
Play It Again Sam
Posted By : Nancy Schess

For me it would be a tie between My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Pretty Woman -- by far, my two favorite movies. The former because somehow I can relate to the big Greek family (and my husband’s windex is WD-40). The latter because apparently I am a sucker for a good Cinderella story. So what would your movie be? Finish this sentence. If I was f

Nancy Schess
No Joan?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

This is my Oscar blog. I really enjoyed the show this year but there was one glaring omission for me.  I always enjoy the part of the evening that shows respect for the stars who have passed in the prior year.  I am usually surprised at someone who I thought was still around or nostalgic about a particular celebrity about whom I have fond memori

Nancy Schess
Not Even One Shade For Me
Posted By : Nancy Schess

  Consider this a movie review in advance. Fifty Shades of Grey, the movie, is hitting local theaters. You cannot turn on the television these days without finding an interview, preview, hype and more hype. Personally, I do not intend to see the movie although I am fascinated by the interest in it. Admittedly, I read the first book and maybe

Nancy Schess
Captain Phillips
Posted By : Nancy Schess

At some point during the movie, I had to put the popcorn down because I was seasick.  I think that means I liked the film. I remember following the news when the Maersk Alabama was attacked by pirates in 2009 but there was so much more to the story depicted in the film than what I remember from the news at the time. (I know there is controversy

Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Tuesday musings . . . and be careful because if you are around on Monday when I am writing, you could wind up the subject of my blog!
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