Nancy Schess
Under the Weather
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I’ve been under the weather for a few days, not unlike many others around me.  I’ve had three meetings cancelled in the last week alone because someone else was under the weather. I suppose it was my turn.   But that started me thinking about this particular phrase.  What does it mean and where did it originate?   With a little research I learned t

Nancy Schess
She Said Yes!
Posted By : Nancy Schess

This past week brought big and happy news in our family.   She said yes!!   While on a cruise through Italy, my son got down on one knee right in the middle of Naples and asked the love of his life to become his life partner.  He took the ring he had been carrying around for weeks out of his backpack, carefully opened the box and through her abject

Nancy Schess
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I was looking forward to a big storm this past weekend.  For me, it was timed perfectly – overnight on Saturday into Sunday morning.  We had already planned to hunker down and made sure to finish all our errands on Saturday afternoon.   After a quick dinner at a local restaurant, we were ready to watch a

Nancy Schess
Traveling Anytime Soon?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I have to admit, the cold has me thinking about traveling.  In truth, I don’t really mind the cold weather as long as it is in moderation.  Extended stretches are not my favorite thing.   These days my travel has been more often visiting my children than planning an exotic visit somewhere.  And to set the tone, I have no regrets.  Both of my childr

Nancy Schess
World History = Family History
Posted By : Nancy Schess

My grandmother’s name was Jennie Levine.  She came to the United States in the late 1800s, most likely to the Lower East Side of Manhattan where she learned to be a seamstress.   This past weekend, we spent some time enjoying Manhattan and paid a visit to the Tenement Museum.  We visited the apartment of – coincidentally – Jennie Levine and her fam

Nancy Schess
Career Day
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Last Friday, I participated in Career Day at a local middle school.  A close friend is a teacher at the school and runs the program.  She asked me to talk to the students about practicing law.   What an interesting experience – for me.  In preparing what I wanted to talk about, I had to step back and think about how to explain what I do, why I do i

Nancy Schess
2025 Resolutions -- Sort Of
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Are you a resolution-er?  I know Shawn’s thoughts on resolutions.  I read his blog.    Most years, I have a top 10 list to start the year, but for 2025 I am taking a different approach.  It hasn’t even fully crystalized yet.   Rather than general resolutions, which I think of as goals, for 2025 I think I am going to focus on the people in my life a

Nancy Schess
Farewell 2024
Posted By : Nancy Schess

As we end 2024, I am reflecting on what a year it has been in Gotham.  So much change in a good way – new groups, new friends, new events.  Yet as we keep doing this thing called Gotham, so much stays the same.   Since the very beginning of Gotham time our motto has not wavered – it is better to give than receive, but what goes around comes around.

Nancy Schess
Smiling Through Sales
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I read an article recently about the value of smiling to be an effective salesperson.      The premise of the article was that success is driven by a positive attitude and conveying that positive attitude in the sales process – not only to a prospective purchaser but to everyone along the way from introduction to close.   What do you think?  Does a

Nancy Schess
Halloween Redux
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I know we all talked about Halloween last week but I needed to share this heartwarming story.   Each year in my neighborhood, we have fewer and fewer “trick or treaters”.  Maybe the neighborhood is aging, I’m not sure.   This year a group of adorable youngsters dressed as goblins and ghouls came by to scare and leave with a treat.  They each polite

Nancy Schess
Your Practice Philosophy
Posted By : Nancy Schess

In the course of making a new business acquaintance, I was asked to describe my practice philosophy.    What a great question, I thought to myself.    I don’t recall having ever been asked that question in a networking context. The answer, I quickly concluded, revealed more about me professionally than my answer to the standard, “what do you do?” 

Nancy Schess
Baseball Memories
Posted By : Nancy Schess

We have entered a very exciting baseball playoff season for our NY teams.  In that spirit, I had a super fun conversation with my aunt this weekend.    I learned that she was a huge Brooklyn Dodgers fan and spent many an afternoon in the mid-1950s at Ebbets Field.  With crystal clarity, she recalled watching exciting games with family and friends,

Nancy Schess
Turning Off the News
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I have to admit, I am a bit of a news junkie.  I will read, watch and listen in multiple modes and medium.   Sometimes though, I feel like I have to turn it all off.  Just for the chance to take a breath and absorb everything happening in the world around us, I sometimes need to refrain from my ordinary and just listen to music.   Frankly, that do

Nancy Schess
Gotham Rocks!
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Have you noticed?  Felt it in the air?  We are on a roll!    I am all charged up because of our Bring-A-Guest meeting yesterday.  Were you there?   I promise -- you should not miss the next one.   You may recall that BAG was a pandemic child, born of a membership committee brainstorm to create a virtual party of connecting.  Cost of admission, brin

Nancy Schess
How Are You?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Imagine if that were a real question in conversation rather than just an expected exchange of pleasantries.  We all say it, sort of like muscle memory. But are we really asking the other person to share how they truly are in that moment?   Perhaps they just had a difficult conversation with a family member. Or maybe they are worried about the stabi

Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Tuesday musings . . . and be careful because if you are around on Monday when I am writing, you could wind up the subject of my blog!
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