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Mitch Tobol
A new meaning for turf shoe
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Thought this may bring a smile to your face or at least a shake of the head   Nike is releasing a wild iteration of the Air Max 1 Golf...yes, grass sneakers. Nike may need to refocus it's creative team, or give them a huge bonus...I'm not sure.    Dubbed the Nike Air Max 1 Golf "Grass," this wild style features a deep green turf-like upper, with g

Mitch Tobol
Authentic or Brutal
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Every year one of my friends reviews his relationships and categorizes them creating a top ten list. He has a bunch of criteria, some of which is strange but one particular point got me thinking.   His top friends are those who can he be most authentic with. As he says, "...the people when I'm around I can be myself, say whatever pops into my head.

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I'm back! I took off the last couple of years and now I'm resureecting my predictions blog.   If you're's my record since 2007:   2007 - 1 for 7. (my rookie year:)2008 - 1 for 1 (gutsy picking one but it was spot on)2009 - 3 for 5 2010 - 2 for 32011 - 3 for 3!!! 2012 - 3 for 3!!!2013 I took a break, the launch of the new website t

Mitch Tobol
Make yourself at home
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

This news might have you saying...Really !?!?   Police in Ohio said a couple broke into a home, washed their clothes, then showered and fixed themselves some coffee before robbing the place last Monday.   Luckily, a nearby family member of the homeowner confronted the couple with a gun and held them at gunpoint till the cops arrived.   Police said

Mitch Tobol
A loaner
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

A week ago I was surfing through the internet finding the list of things I needed to do to get my iPhone 7 working again. Apparently, without reason, my phone stopped connecting to the network. No calls in or out and texts only if I was connected to WiFi. It left me wondering how I ever survived without a mobile phone. After reaching out to Appl

Mitch Tobol
Worth a scent?
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

If you've ever wanted a fire to smell like Kentucky Fried Chicken you are in luck. KFC has partnered with Enviro-log to created the first firelog designed to emulate the smell of the fast food chain's Secret Recipe.   "At KFC, we have always been proud of our role in bringing loved ones together at the dinner table around a bucket of our world-famo

Mitch Tobol
Male or Female?
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Saturday fun :-)   A group of adults were taking a computer science course at a local college. The professor wanted to have fun one day and divided the group by sex. Males on one side, females on the other. Then he told them to determine what gender the computer should be.   The men voted unanimously that the computer should be referred to in the f

Mitch Tobol
Great Month
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

December. Last month of the year...Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanza, Boxing Day, New Years Eve, National Cookie Day (December 4th) and some very important birthdays are celebrated this month :-)   Here are some interesting facts I've uncovered: An almanac prediction states that if snow falls on Christmas Day, Easter will be warm, green and sunny. The

Mitch Tobol
That was fast
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

This could have been me.   A teenager got his driver's license and had it revoked under an hour later. Police in Germany said that an 18-year-old was caught going 60 mph in a 30 mph zone just 49 minutes after he passed his driver's exam and was given a license.   "Some things hold for eternity... some not even an hour," police wrote.

Mitch Tobol
A metaphysical moment
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

It was about two days ago that I was sitting at home staring at the TV but had not turned it on. This dark, blank lifeless flat object seemed to be bekoning to me. Turning it on would mean bringing life, color, sound and images into the room.   I resisted the temptation. It's funny how many times I inadvertantly picked up the remote as if it was a

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I was observing my own actions this week as well as the people around me how considerate, or inconsiderate, we all are. My unscientific study yielded some interesting results.   I've noticed people not holding the door open, push to go first at the supermarket and speeding up so the driver, who has their blinker on, can't move into their lane. It s

Mitch Tobol
Another lollipop?
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

If one of my entreprenuer students came to me and said they wanted to make and sell a lollipop, I would be supportive of course but I would be thinking it's a crazy idea.   Well, it's not so crazy. Thanks to Alina Morse, an entrepreneurial eighth grader, we now have lollipops that help keep our teeth clean. Called Zollipops, they recently became

Mitch Tobol
One Smart Cookie
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

On the the first day of legal cannabis sales across Canada, a 9 year old girl, Elina Childs, set up outside a marijuana shop to take advantage of the foot traffic.   The girl sold all 30 boxes of cookies she brought in under 45 minutes. "It amazed me how quickly they went," Elina's Father said. "Even people in cars driving on the avenue there woul

Mitch Tobol
Sun up
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Waking up in the dark is my first sign that the seasons are changing. I'm not a big fan. It just seems natural that we should wake up with the sun. Light tells your body it's time to wake up.   To combat that there are daylight simulation alarm clocks that begin with a soft glow and ramp up to full brightness by your wake-up time. Imitating a sunri

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Waking up this morning I caught myself getting "up to speed" by checking my email and responding to some, looking at the weather, monitoring websites, etc.   It struck me how fast the pace of business and life has become. Activities for children are scheduled and parents race to keep them on time. In business, at any point during the say I'm answer

Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...

It's Saturday...and anything goes.

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