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Mitch Tobol
The ultimate commitment
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Nearly 300 people have died following the world’s biggest-ever single-day election, which took place last month in Indonesia—not through protests or civil unrest, but exhaustion.   272 people who were counting collapsed from fatigue-related illness in the 10 days following the country’s vote in April and an additional 1,878 took ill.   What made th

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I don't know his name but everyone calls him Chief. He sits outside my local 7-11 on the side and greets everyone within hearshot with either How ya doin today? or Change!?!   Yes, he's a begger. Every so often I give him my pocket change however I'm now wondering if I should.   Last week while walking to my car, I turned around and saw him looking

Mitch Tobol
10 years
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Do you remember Natalie "Nadia" Suleman? I didn't until I ran across a follow up news story.   She is the Octomom, giving birth to 8 babies from one pregnancy. Well, they just celebrated their 10th birthday and all are seemingly healthy and well adjusted. She no dout has her hands full as her 14 children (she already had 6 older children) get big

Mitch Tobol
Oil rich
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

What do you do with oil that can't be refined or used for commercial purposes?   Apparently you tell people that it's great for your health. In Azerbaijan's north-western city of Naftalan there is a spa that believes a crude oil bath can cure you of a bunch of things.   The local oil is used to treat to cure muscular, skin and bone conditions as we

Mitch Tobol
No mind
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

All we can be is ourself. At home, business, networking, with friends, family, etc. It is when we are truly present and authentic can we connect with ourselves and the people in our lives.   This reminds me of a scene in The Last Samuri as Tom Cruise is practicing combat with a wooden Samuri sword. He is continually getting a beat down until a youn

Mitch Tobol
Do you have the courage
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

So a very good friend couldn't tell me the truth the other day. He was not courageous and did not handle himself well. I totally empathize with him and understand his business decisions. However, the way it was told to me (through other people) actually hurt more and left me wondering...   Do you tell the truth to your friends or do you avoid it us

Mitch Tobol
You are summoned
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I'm offically a Telepone Standby Juror next week. I know it's my civic duty and half of me is very willing to do my part. The other half...not so much.   Apparently it's quite a cattle call. My number is 2757 and they start the week at 1001. However, they are calling in 600 people on Monday. My guess, I get pulled in on Thursday.   Last time I was

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I recently pulled into the parking lot of my local 7/11 to grab a cup of coffee. There's always a spot up front at 7AM but I parked three rows out and walked up to the store. It was a beautiful sunny day.   As I made my way, I noticed that 6 out of the 10 cars parked in the lot were idling without a single soul inside any of them. They were all run

Mitch Tobol
Dragon's success
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I admit, I've been enthralled with SpaceX's Demo 1 mission - launching the Dragon space capsule, dock with the ISS and safely reutrn it to earth. It's a prelude to sending astronauts to the space station from American soil for the first time since 2011.   If you didn't know, we been hitching rides for the past 8 years on Russian rockets for about $

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Just yesterday I was having lunch with a friend of mine in a diner on Long Island. After we sat down, the owner came over and asked...did either of you drop $300 dollars?     I didn't but my friend checked his pockets and he was missing that exact amount of money. We were both blown away that this guy found it and brought it over.   Would you have

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Although I made my yearly predictions a couple of months ago, I'm going to take a shot at the Oscar's that are airing Sunday night.   Here are my predictions: Best Actor - Rami Malek in Bohemian Rhapsody Best Actress - Glenn Close in The Wife Best Supporting Actress - Regina King in If Beale Street Could Talk Best Supporting Actor - Mahershala Ali

Mitch Tobol
Discomforting paperwork
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

In a recent visit to the doctor (scheduled) I had to fill out a form to update/validate my information for 2019. Part of the questionnaire was this. I was quickly filling this out and after I checked White I started to feel a bit uncomfortable. Why is Ethnicity only Hispanic or Non-hispanic?   Why is Race only these four choices? The United States

Mitch Tobol
37 years old young
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Luke Hagerty. A name you might hear a few times during the upcoming baseball season.    What's so special is the fact he is 37 years old and throwing 99...he is the ultimate comeback story for baseball.   The Cubs just signed him 17 years after they drafted him in the first round. A great story of perserverance, focus and luck. Here's the full back

Mitch Tobol
Shocking but true
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

My wife and I went to the movies last Saturday night. We saw A Star is Born which we both liked.     But that's not the real story....when we walked up to the ticket counter, I asked for two adults. And then we heard a shocking but true response from the young man behind the counter. "Senior Discount?"   We both looked at each other in shock and la

Mitch Tobol
What's in store for you
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I stumbled across a list of jobs that are no longer in existence.   Switchboard Operator Video Store Clerk Encyclopedia Seller Typist Projectionist Soda Jerk Linotype Operator Human Computer Pinsetter Telegraph Operator Gas Lamplighter Iceman/woman Then I wondered what jobs people are working today that will be gone within the next 10 years. Here

Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...

It's Saturday...and anything goes.

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