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Mitch Tobol
A clear day
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I remember looking out the window of my office and saying out loud "It's such a clear day, how could someone fly into the Word Trade Center?"   When the second plane hit the second tower, I was transfixed to the TV trying to understand what just happened.    The brave men and women on the ground and in the air responded. Welles Remy Crowther was on

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Funny thing about can test all you want (which we did on about 25 devices) but when you launch, it can be a totally different outcome. I've been battling some crazy issues this week which I did not expect. I believe (hope) we have ironed out most of them.   This new site was conceived over 2 years ago and I'm so happy it's finally li

Mitch Tobol
Finally cool
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

It's been awhile since I've slept with the windows open. I love sleeping in the cold, fresh air :)  

Mitch Tobol
A Friday afternoon laugh
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Driving home I swung into the drive-through at Starbucks to get my favorite summer drink.   This is the actual conversation:   Starbucks employee: Hi...welcome to Starbucks what can I get started for you? Me: I'd like an iced grande black tea lemonade, No sugar please Starbucks employee: With sugar? Me: No...noooo sugar please Starbucks employee:

Mitch Tobol
I see you
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I recently attended an outdoor networking event and had the experience of meeting someone in person I've only met on Zoom. It was quite strange. Being in their physical presence is a totally different kind of energy. You're meeting the entire person, not just a Hollywood Square on your computer screen.   It felt a bit awkward at first then it see

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Everyone seems to be on edge. On the road and in the stores as I experienced.   I recently had to replace my phone and dutifully went to the Verizon store near me and patiently waited my turn for 20 minutes. Once at the counter, shrouded by plexiglass, I strained to listen to a young man with a heavy accent. He detailed my options which I had to ge

Mitch Tobol
SpaceX needs you
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Here's a new twist for employment and a really cool job title...Spaceport Mixologist.   Interested? You will most likely be working at a small house next to the incredible spaceport in Boca Chica, TX. Elon Musk calls it the Starbase Tiki Bar and it sounds like you would be serving drinks like the Test Pilot or Jet Pilot.   “Experience pairing drink

Mitch Tobol
Mask - no mask
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I'm confused. Do I wear a mask or not?   Friday night I attended what was, I believe, the first Gotham meeting in a very long time. I walked in with a mask on but out of the 35 or so people attending, i was one of three who wore one.   It was outdoors, but personally, I was a bit nervous. I am vaccinated but still carry some fear with me whereever

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Do you do things for other people without them knowing? I found myself thinking about that when a friend made a point of what he did for me. Did he need acknowledgement? Is he self promoting so I'll think better of him?   IMHO being considerate to another fellow human being is part of being human. If it is acknowedged, that's nice but isn't that be

Mitch Tobol
New goal
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Not sure where this quote came from but I had noted it over 3 years ago yet it presented itself to me this morning.   "Effortlessly flowing though life doing what I love to do."   Now there's a great state of being :) These days I find myself feeling pressed, pressured, and resistant for a variety of reasons. I'm going to "shift my weight" and ref

Mitch Tobol
Out of practice
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I went away last week on vacation. No planes, just a stay in an Airbnb about an hour's drive away. Nice place, quiet and on the edge of a perserve so looking out of the back deck there were deer, rabbits and birds doing what they do.   It was hard for me to be present and disengaged from work. I tried a bunch of things. This was unusual because fi

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I'm reading about the tragic collapse of the building in Surfside, FL and wondering why. It appears that the condo owners kept bickering and fighting over the years delaying a decision, while the building kept exponentially degrading so the cost of repairs skyrocketed and nothing got fixed.   We'll eventually learn what technically happened as othe

Mitch Tobol
The box
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Last Sunday I came home to disover a huge box on the porch. There was no return address but it had bar codes like it was sent through UPS. On the site of the box was a phone number.   We did not order anything that large so I decided to call the phone number. Here's the conversation:   Box#: Hello? Me: Hi, who is this? Box#: Who is this ?! Me: I'm

Mitch Tobol
It's a lot
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Traffic is increasing and we as drivers as well as the roads are struggling to cope. Some say it's because people do not want to take public transportation while a recent report stated that the influx of traffic is directly related to our increase in buying online. Yes. Take a look around (safely) while your driving and you'll notice a tremendous

Mitch Tobol
One is coming
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I know there's an election when I start seeing ads trying to get you to vote for a specific candidate. Right now, they are at a fever pitch because we have one starting today. (The primary Election day is Tuesday, June 22, 2021 but there's an early voting period which is June 12, 2021 — June 20, 2021.) No surprise I'm fascintated by the strategie

Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...

It's Saturday...and anything goes.

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