Fred Klein
Alternative Realities
Posted By : Fred Klein

As a rule I do not blog about politics and this blog will adhere to that rule.  As the set forth in the above subject line, this blog is about the alternative realities which abound in the land on the subject of politics.  It is amazing to me how self assured each person is as they seemingly read to me from their party's play book.  I must admit th

Fred Klein
Posted By : Fred Klein

Ever since the "Third rate" Watergate burglary, I have reserved judgement and operate on a "Nothing is as it appears" (or as they tell us) basis.  Does that make me a cynic?  You tell me.  My mind set is that "Up is Down and Down is Up" and what was once bad is now often good (and the reverse). Am I prone to believing conspiracy theories?  I know,

Fred Klein
Stir Fried
Posted By : Fred Klein

I admit that I go on Facebook, Twitter, and the Gotham Politics listserve in an effort to stir things up and engender intelligent discourse on topics of the day. However, in my opinion, I have failed as more and more, as the days go by, some of the responses are too much, characterized by extreme self serving smug certitude. Some have told me they

Fred Klein
Special Prosecutors
Posted By : Fred Klein

President Clinton authorized the appointment of a special prosecutor in early 1994 concerning the Whitewater matter and in August 1994, the original special prosecutor was replaced by Kenneth Starr. In the fall of 1997, three years after the investigation started, Special Prosecutor Starr made an impeachment referral to Congress concerning the Moni

Fred Klein
Posted By : Fred Klein

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that all of the shooters in the recent spate of our country's massacres are male.    I have followed the commentary closely and not one person has made this distinction to my mind. If anyone can explain it I would welcome it. Said another way, why don't females engage in such carnage? On this subject and

Fred Klein
Day Of Reckoning
Posted By : Fred Klein

In these politically charged, truth is stranger than fiction, Twilight Zone, days I find myself hoping, writing and saying there will be a Day of Reckoning. The definition of "day of reckoning" is the time when past mistakes or misdeeds must be punished or paid for, a testing time when the degree of one's success or failure will be revealed. Synony

Fred Klein
Posted By : Fred Klein

In these high stakes, politically charged, days of social media exposure I attempt to stir it up on Facebook and Twitter.  What amazes me is the degree of responsive heated, opinionated exchange generated on my feed. I try not to be too obvious in my leanings, but anyone with half a brain can discern my bent.  To say the least, I motivate and encou

Fred Klein
Twilight Zone
Posted By : Fred Klein

Do you remember Rod Serling?  He was the creator of the amazing off the wall, but sometimes true to life, "Twilight Zone". Twilight Zone was a strange mix of horror, science fiction, drama, comedy and superstition with many black and white episodes concluding with a surprise ending. Well, many years have passed since Serling introduced an episode a

Fred Klein
One Country
Posted By : Fred Klein

So much is going on in his first 100 days and there is so much polarization in our country.  It truly is enough to make One's head spin.  No matter your political leaning or how you feel about the style and manner of POTUS, we are still one country.  We need to settle down, find common ground and perpetuate our unique democracy, i.e.: "indivisable,

Fred Klein
Election Day!
Posted By : Fred Klein

Only 4 more days until Election Day!Thank goodness.  I don't know about you, but I just can't wait for it to be over and done with.  In all deference to our hallowed democratic election process, it has been a most harrowing and dreadful experience for me.  What about you?Simply put, the election process is WAY TOO LONG!  I ran marathons in my prime

Fred Klein
Posted By : Fred Klein

Rashomon was an iconic 1950 Japanese movie wherein a number of eye witnesses to a horrendous event each had a different version as to what happened. The Rashomon effect is contradictory interpretations of the same event by different people.  It is said that the effect is not only based on differences in perspective, but occurs where such difference

Fred Klein
It's A Shame!
Posted By : Fred Klein

On June 9, 1954, during the Army-McCarthy Hearings in Washington, D.C. Joseph Welch, Chief Counsel for the United States Army, had had just enough and famously said "until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness....have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?"Have you had just enough?

Fred Klein
LEFT Out No More!
Posted By : Fred Klein

Last week we had our semi annual Lefty Lunch (where, for once, we could sit and eat comfortably anywhere at the table) at the Friars Club. At the Lefty (handedness, not politics) Lunch we commiserated re being the last unrecognized downtrodden minority.I, for one, am passionate about having being left off the waves of our Nation's affirmative actio

Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor

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