Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.14.2019 (2154 days ago)


2154 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Gotham, rolodex

Knowing a few folks often becomes a calling card in doing business. The proverbial “large” rolodex (Anyone still use one – I once had two!) became a resource often helpful in developing business prospects, securing introductions, accessing experts and more.


At a recent non-profit board meeting, several matters came up. A board member I had recruited shared some expertise on at the outset of the discussion. On the spot I knew I could reach out to other professionals who I could rely on to provide advice and guidance. Another also mined her relationships. No doubt the assistance will prove helpful and perhaps the results may source another blog.


More important, that fact that relationships can be tapped to help a causeby sharing of an expertise– aka “make a difference” – can even mean more that tapping resource tosupport fundraising – the subjectof a few blogs back.


In a number of cases, Gotham – this networking tribe which offers this blogging platform – provided an opportunity to develop relationships that helped me help others; other times I enjoyed helping others.


In this recent case, both Gotham and other relationships played a role.


My point: we call it networking; business development if you will, but never forget that these relationships offer more than opportunities to cash in; those you know can offer empower you to make a difference for others, or through your connection, make their own difference. Often both.


Give it a try.

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