Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
05.06.2018 (2495 days ago)

office outside

office outside
2495 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Office, outside, desk, umbrella

One of the nice thing with more temperate weather involves hanging outside. I enjoy an outdoor office in these times including as a place to compose this blog. Of course setting up the office requires more than just a RE-opening: no comparison (exists) to returning to a summer (or winter) vacation home. Making it ready requires power washing a desk, getting out the umbrella, uncovering and cleaning the top the table that functions as a desk. What remained at ready: my first (named by the late NYCCouncil Member Walter McCaffrey) “Corey’s Rolling Research Wagon” containing one surge protector, spare chargers for the iPad and iPhone and MacBook, a desk lamp, mouse, mousepad, and other things one might want to inhabitant one’s workplace. Nearby that former #1 Briefcase one finds a large external flat screen similar to the device occupying my office desk. And of course a landline extension also at the ready for outside deployment. The only major things that remain re-deploying a coffee-maker (unless I cool to that “tradition.”). Taking our the chaise lounge I use for outdoor reading and procuring a new bench/storage chest and fan (to deploy on unduly warm days.) I used (perhaps created) spare moments these past week to ready it. I actually enjoyed it’s used on Friday, and for a few moments before and after this weekend’s basketball game. But this morning I find myself quite content to know it’s at the ready.

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