Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
02.25.2018 (2565 days ago)


2565 days ago 10 comments Categories: Politics Tags:inspiration, Traffic, Parkland

Traffic recorded a song, Sometimes I Feel So Uninspired, that applies to so much when one looks around these days for leadership in the usual places.


Yet the courageous response of young people after the tragic and violent shooting murders in Parkland provides Inspiration to this correspondent.


A bit more than a year ago, I shared the playlist of that name pulled together in my first semester at Hofstra.


Perhaps injecting youthful energy and determination into our discourse gives rise to a new paradigm.


In their efforts I see the definition of inspiration!


I certainly encourage it and applaud the young activists.


Please join me in this.


(Interestingly and those algorithms remain elusive, I found an inspiring and favorite song among the suggestions when I clicked the video mentioned at the outset of this blog.)

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