Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.21.2019 (2149 days ago)


2149 days ago 16 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Easter, Passover, Afrokomen

A good number of us gather with family this weekend. Some gathered today for Easter. Others including members of my family gathered Friday and Saturday eves for Passover. Usually we host one night and visit with family or friends (Appreciate the invites). Periodically, if find ourselves out of town, we participate in communal seders.


This year, we hosted both nights.


One night her family dad, sister, niece, her husband and their young daughter (who found the Afrikomen!); last night my brother, his wife and my nephew, and our stepmom. The constants, both eves, our daughter and our son and his girlfriend. Must give Shelly a lot of credit for pulling two nice eves together.


Were you part of any gatherings this weekend?






With Family?






A communal gathering?


It was very special for Shelly and I with both our children present both nights (Marisa lives in L.A.).

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