Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.30.2019 (2071 days ago)


2071 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Once a year, weather permitting friends primarily from high school gather for a BBQ in a courtyard outside a co-op in Bell Park Manor Terrace in Queens Village. Last summer, a wash out and some other circumstances made for a missed year. The year the rain threatened our gathering. A cancellation notice went out yesterday morning. Midday I receive a message about a smaller gathering inside with a later start. I enjoy catching up with everyone. Chats cover numerous topics music, politics (local and national), retirement, work, sports.


One chat covered my Pythian basketball game since two people played in another game with one of the newer players in my game. I go back to junior high with several attendees; some attendees go back to elementary school together; one of us are alums of Martin Van Buren High School about two blocks north and east of our gathering space. Coincidently, the high school held its graduation earlier in the day.


In many way it serves as a “between the milestone” high school reunion (most who organize it gathered last night.). Informal but yes a tie that binds. Thank you to Kirby who enjoys bringing us all together.


I also find it interesting how two big gatherings of the tribe that allows me this space to blog sort of sandwich this friendly weekend gathering. As you know, perhaps from reading the previous Tuesday and/ or Friday (blog(s), Gotham held its annual Robert Formica Golf Outing last Monday. This Wednesday eve, I bill as 250 of my closest friends joining me at Citifield where the Mets host the Yankees (200 through Gotham and 50 through FDR Lodge 613 of the Knights of Pythias.). Guess gatherings of friends remain the order of the day.

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