Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.22.2019 (1904 days ago)

family & friends for the holidays

family & friends for the holidays
1904 days ago 12 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

A busy weekend ensues. It started when we gathered with some good friends; most traveling a good distance to join us nearby (to us) on Long Island for dinner than a show; Shelly posted about it on Facebook. Day two required us to cross two rivers (pass through two tunnels) to gather with Shelly’s family for a (pre-) Chanukah gathering hosted by our niece. After watching some football (I can only hope for some improved play against a tough opponent.), we look forward to gathering with my family, my brothers and their families, and my maternal aunt and her family. What better way to start a holiday week that includes further get-togethers through the start of the new year.

And do not forgot to take advantage of this special holiday playlist shared three blogs ago. I actually created two new play lists in Apple Music based on song titles that included the names of our grandniece and grandnephew (the lists include songs by The Band, Dylan, Eagles, Free and the New Riders of the Purple Sage and Neil Young & Crazy Horse.)

Check out the Free tune and this one by three of the original New Riders.

Best wishes for the holidays you celebrate.

Happy Chanukah!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Kwanza!


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