Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
07.09.2023 (606 days ago)

an alternative

an alternative
606 days ago 14 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Threads

I am not always a first adaptor when it comes to new things.  I often rely on my children when it comes to technology and new media.  Jonathan was first with the MacBook and the iPhone and iPad.  Marisa set her dad up on instagram which I use sparingly.  With the issues involving twitter, I followed other options.  After reading a recent email commentary by Friday's blogger's muse, music (and more) writer Bob Lefsetz, I looked into the new Meta (I still consider the company Facebook) offering Threads.  It requires an Instagram account so sign up was easy in my case.  I wanted my profile to mirror my twitter profile but the character allowance was not quite there. Perhaps that will be one of many tweaks to come.  I also found it lacks an App for my MacBook.  I find myself preferring to message via that device.  Indeed, I rarely compose this blog on any other device.  The day after I signed up, I found articles in several newspapers that I save for reading after the business day.  I took some notes -- 28 in all -- that I shared with Marisa and Jonathan, and Gotham's social media coordinator and yesterday's blogger also known as Gotham's webmaster. I still have a long way to go in terms of followers.

I made one introductory thread and check-in to see some posts  by others including anyone I follow on twitter who created a Threads account.

So readers, some questions:

if you use twitter, are you considering any alternative?

Have you or are you planning to check out "Threads"?


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