Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.24.2022 (1053 days ago)

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1053 days ago 7 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:Zoom, Gotham Queens

Friday’s Gotham blogger suggested today’s commentary. Interestingly his Friday blog covered modes of community. He found interesting how I balanced multiple Zooms as Gotham Queens, (GQ) a group I “mentor” met Thursday. Gotham Zooms can run on average 90 minutes but when in person one might allocate up to two hours for many such networking sessions; some Zooms might run a bit more than one hour. That morning I needed to join a brief campaign meeting that would start one half-hour after GQ started. I used the chat function to advise everyone in a non-disruptive way that I might be seen but not heard for a bit. Of course I made judicious use of the mute button. I joined my other meeting using my iPad – I often use that device for smaller size zooms since I prefer the Gallery view over the Speaker view. I used ear buds and the mute button except when I spoke. I muted the volume on my Mac when needed when I spoke on the campaign Zoom (Since we keep Gotham blogs non-partisan and non-political, you can reach out to me to learn the candidate; you might also deduce the identity by viewing my twitter habits.). Other options exist like stopping video but I believe in presence. I do not recommend this approach for others but it works for me.


Working both brought this David Crosby-penned tune to mind (version from “4 Way Street.”)

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