12.24.2020 (1542 days ago)

Holiday Zoom

Holiday Zoom
1542 days ago 9 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Happy holidays.....

Our children are all married with young families. One lives in Manhattan, one lives on Brooklyn, another in Alexandria, Virginia and another in Washington D.C. Getting everyone together has always been a challenge and it has been years since we were all together in one place.

Until the era of Zoom.

Two weeks ago, we lit Hanukah candles together…. but together in a different way.

Nonetheless, It was great to see everyone.

We’re all learning that Zoom overcomes physical distances in many ways.  Although at first it was a little awkward, it is now more accepted —- We’re getting used to it.

Now, more than ever, in these holiday times where we can't all be together physically......

Let’s share our greatest Zoom experiences.

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