Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.11.2017 (2824 days ago)

Your Friends

Your Friends
2824 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Facebook, Twitter, social media

RIP Adam West. I really enjoyed that series in my youth. I enjoyed the comics. In all his appearances always a nice person. RIP Batman.


I took to social media, Twitter to be exact, when I wanted to learn about his passing. I learned he enjoyed 150,000 followers and only followed 115. His page said he joined Twitter in March 2009 – one month after me – and tweeted 474 times over the eight plus years on the platform. I do not think I tweet enough but I my total runs more that four times that of our vaunted Batman.


Twitter remains my preferred first platform for social media and some friends, especially Friday’s blogger admonish me for not “working” Facebook enough. My tweets get posted to Facebook and I try to wish Happy Birthday to Facebook Friends (more on that later).


A few months back, I created a Facebook page for New York’s Grand Lodge for the Knight of Pythias. I have tried posting things there as a test of sorts to working Facebook. I post and link to events and news posted on the Grand Lodge website (which I developed and maintain as a volunteer). The goal involves getting members of the order to engage on the page.


Your Friends


When I looked through Facebook this morning, I noticed two of the Friends with birthdays not included among my Contacts. Checking further I noticed no response to my prior birthday greetings. I decided to unFriend and unFollow. Sort of Facebook housekeeping. Then I checked to see if someone who recently opted to be unfriendly without due cause (only my view matters here) took a spot among my Friends on Facebook; another housekeeping correction made.


So I pose the question: do you review those you connect with on social media and curb down the list from time to time?


Bonus: a blast from the past concert linked on the side panel when I sampled the song linked before the preceding two paragraphs.. Enjoy!

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