Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.18.2014 (3984 days ago)

Your Favorite Vacation?

Your Favorite Vacation?
3984 days ago 13 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

If you've gone to recent Gotham meetings this question may be "old", however, for those that have not it is topical.

Simply put, what is your favorite all-time vacation?

Mine, because of this Winter's polar vortex, was our extended stay in Key West during which many suffered through at least three horrible storms. Our frigid Winter is the subject of Ester Horowitz's most recent Gotham City Gazette which I urge you to experience elsewhere on this site under Gotham Speaks.

As I said in the Gazette, I felt most fortunate to be "away" and felt empathy for those at home.  What's more, I understood that one so fortuitously fortunate might feel guilty,  but I could not muster up that feeling.

So for those very practical and selfish reasons it was my favorite vacation.

In any case, what was your all-time favorite vacation, practical or otherwise!

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