2734 days ago
Categories: Lifestyle
It’s almost that time. The time you heard about but chose to ignore or disregard because it did not apply to you, to your family. But it does apply, now. Not only do you have to accept it, but also you have to take many proactive steps to make it all happen. You have to shop and pack and prepare your first child for college -- to leave for college, to leave.
Melodramatic? Yes, but it’s not simply the leaving in late August of the given year. It’s not just the leaving, knowing he or she will return for Thanksgiving, Christmas holidays, and the like. It’s that once your formerly dependent child leaves, he or she will return as an independent adult. (Hopefully!)
I’ve been inundated with “Grown and Flown” articles, pointing out the many emotional and logistical hurdles we parents will face. And this may just be another one of those cautionary, sentimental pieces. But each author is writing to share something with you, to help you face the moment, the series of moments leading up to the departure.
As parents scour the Internet looking for the best articles on “What Your Freshman MUST Pack…” or “How to Prepare your First Child…” or “Top 10 Things You Should Know Before A Piece of Your Heart Leaves Home…” -- we have to know that each of our experiences will be different. Take those lists in stride and consider your own moments and your child’s essence and your unique relationship before struggling to obediently follow those top 10 rules. I would even suggest NOT reading every article that crosses your screen. Keep in mind that the goal of many of these pieces is to optimize advertising and website clicks!
Like most parents, I consider my first child, my son, to be a gift. There were rough moments during his early, exceedingly energetic days that left me wiped and weary at times. But what an enriching experience it has been to be his mother, to take care of him and relish in his smile, his observations, and his presence.
And now it’s time – to send him on his way. As I booked our family’s flights to Detroit, I realized something. I had my "Grown and Flown" moment: Three of us are flying round trip. His ticket is one-way