Nancy Schess
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10.13.2020 (1592 days ago)

Your Best Advice, Please

Your Best Advice, Please
1592 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


What advice would you give – or better yet, did you give – last time you helped someone draft a cover letter?


My son is getting ready to apply for summer internships.  He is a college junior studying chemical engineering (with a nuclear engineering minor) and has a strong interest in energy.


At this point, he is diligently working on cover letters. Who better to reach out to for advice than the accomplished professionals that comprise our Gotham family?


So, what would you say are the top three “dos” and “don’ts” for a college student’s cover letter? What have you seen that either blew you away – or made you want to throw the cover letter away?


OK, I will start:

1. Typos, grammatical errors, that sort of thing, send the cover letter to the “no” pile.

2. Failing to connect the cover letter to the job requirements, also a problem.

3. Getting my name right and demonstrating some knowledge about the work that we do, a big plus for me.


What do you think?

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I think they are less important than you think. If they are badly written that is significant. If they are fine then I dont think they are given much weight. However If they mention someone connected to the person that you are sending it to or the business i.e. So and So suggested I forward my resume etc. I also believe they should request an interview or an opportunity to meet with the person.

Posted By : Donna LESLIE Levine