I'm offically a Telepone Standby Juror next week. I know it's my civic duty and half of me is very willing to do my part. The other half...not so much.
Apparently it's quite a cattle call. My number is 2757 and they start the week at 1001. However, they are calling in 600 people on Monday. My guess, I get pulled in on Thursday.
Last time I was called it had to be about 12 years ago. The video they played was really good. It was well produced with celebrities (I think Ed Bradley and Diane Sawyer) and officals. Kind of a rah rah video for civic duty. Anyway, I waited just about the bulk of the day and was called in a room, thanked for my service and had my Juror ID officially stamped. Eezy Peezy...
I wonder what will happen this time?