Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
01.15.2020 (1836 days ago)

You Have My Support

You Have My Support
1836 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal last week about Positivity and Negativity in relationships. Hearing the statistics a second time did reinforce what I already knew about words and their effect on relationships.

Did you know that for every negative comment you make to someone it take 5 to 7 positive comments to offset the negative?  I'm sure you've heard it before. Our brains pick up and hold onto negative comments. I'm not entirely sure why, but biology would explain a survival instinct to prepare for the worst possible scenario. If someone says or thinks poorly of us, and enough people think the same way, we might have to be alone and we know surivial and thriving is encumbant on communal support.

Our relationships and the state of those relationships are also effected by what we say and by what we do. Oviously! Then how come we say and do things that negatively impact us? Ego maybe? Thoughtlessness? Lack of skill?

Truth is much different than negativity. One can be truthful with love. One cannot be loving through negativity.

You have my support.

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