Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.19.2014 (3898 days ago)

Would You?

Would You?
3898 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

We have a contract in our house. The subject is driving. Anyone with a license for less than one month – ok, you get the point – must agree to its terms and sign before being offered the privilege of car keys.

The contract covers things like: a) cell phones in the car; b) who can and cannot be a passenger; c) in whose car the new driver may be a passenger; d) costs of use and cleanliness; e) no drinking, texting, fumbling with an ipod; f) curfews; g) full disclosure of anything gone wrong; h) promises about the parental response (don’t misinterpret – all consequences remain on the table but with a promise of listening first); i) the process of determining consequences (including an appeal).

For some reason, our contract came up in conversation recently with some friends who looked at me quizzically in response.

Gotham, have you employed any similar types of strategies to stress the importance of something in your house? I need some support here!

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