Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.17.2013 (4283 days ago)

Would You?

Would You?
4283 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Apparently, here is what happened facilitated by a cell phone and You Tube.

It was a long train ride, very long. A man sitting mostly by himself was engrossed in a cell phone call. We have all been there. One of those calls that the whole train can hear, word for word, intonation for intonation. This call was personal in nature, very personal, and anyone nearby quickly learned that this man was actively engaged in a relationship with a woman that was not his wife.

At some point during the trip, one of the passengers became so frustrated and offended by the entire scenario, that she posted the man and his call on You Tube. That’s right, his face and words clearly displayed and heard on the web for the world – and his wife to see and hear.

What do you think? Right or wrong? Would you have posted that video?

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