Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
01.21.2025 (47 days ago)

World History = Family History

World History = Family History
47 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My grandmother’s name was Jennie Levine.  She came to the United States in the late 1800s, most likely to the Lower East Side of Manhattan where she learned to be a seamstress.


This past weekend, we spent some time enjoying Manhattan and paid a visit to the Tenement Museum.  We visited the apartment of – coincidentally – Jennie Levine and her family. They ran a business manufacturing women’s dresses in a tiny three-bedroom flat.  There was no running water, no indoor plumbing, no heat and no air conditioning.  The space had room for one queen size bed and a small child’s bed.  Yet, this was a family of seven.


We talked about the noises, smells and sounds of Orchard Street in the early 1900s, with all of their complicated strain on the resident’s senses and emotions.  We learned how much each family might earn in selling their wares.  Let’s say, not enough.


It was only coincidence that the apartment we visited happened to have belonged for a period of time to someone who shared my grandmother’s name.  I am very sure her name was not unique at the time.  Yet, I felt so connected to the experience as if my grandparents were in the room with us.  It was like a step back in time.


If you have not had the opportunity to pay a visit, I highly recommend spending a little time at the Tenement Museum.

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