Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
01.28.2018 (2593 days ago)


2593 days ago 14 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Language, words, Jim Messina, Kenny Loggins

Language matters.  Words matter.


It frames how we view things, events, people, ideas and more. We see pundits, politicians, PR pros, advertisers, marketers and other all use it.


It makes great sense to use words to point out hypocrisy and inconsistency where we find it; I enjoy ther use -- frequently I hope.


I prefer using it in a positive manner.


An example involves using the acronym for Gotham Queens to describe its recent rebranding. New group coordinator Dan Schwartz already used in well and Gotham’s “message maven” from our Green group, our only group trademarked with an ® after it, noticed it; I certainly appreciated the kind words from Geraldine Newman.


I recently re-used the phrase, “Same Old Wine in a Brand New Bottle” to describe something I work against recently repackaged. I borrowed the phrase from a Jim Messina song he originally recorded with Kenny Loggins. I also called this most recent repackaging “Orwellian” because I found the new description an effort to avoid an accurate description likely to prove less than popular.


Back when I first responded to the scheme I offed a mango analogy: "Just because something is sweet on the outside doesn't mean there isn't something bad on the inside.”


I also enjoy using certain phrases in many of my tweets (though some friends recommend I ought to post more on twitter and Facebook).


Share how you use language to make a point. Maybe someone might see your use and recycle it.



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