Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
04.19.2017 (2868 days ago)


2868 days ago 14 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Hepburn, words, Sonia, Fred

Recently its been coming up more and more, the importance of using your words carefully and intentionally.

In my life, I've been pretty careless with words. I was raised in a clever, articulate, SARCASTIC household - mix in a little alcohol (maybe not a little) and you get desensitized to how things feel to others.

I admire Fred's ability to love and accept a wide variety of people. I am not there yet. One of his regular commenters, used the phrase "Punch a bully in the face." It just rubs me the wrong way. I don't think adults should speak that way about each other, or other countries or planets or lifestyles or political beliefs or anything. It's not helping. But Fred can just love the guy. Impressive.




Of course, its none of my business. My dear friend Sonia, will remind me of that.

So I'm learning to hear what I say before I say it. Yes, if you followed me down the street on a "bad" day, you might hear me mutter "asshole" under my breath. Someone is not walking fast enough or gets in my way somehow. I often need to slow down. Who am I really talking to? Always, myself. So I'm learning. And learning to let others say whatever they want, cause #NOMB.

They are powerful, those words. I am in training.

One Day At A Time.


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. - Audrey Hepburn

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